Author Topic: What's going on here  (Read 2947 times)

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2009, 01:09:38 AM »
 :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker: :wanker:

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #31 on: November 29, 2009, 01:41:46 AM »
Sir Les...You're being a bit of dickhead.

Like to say that this proclamation bothers me GA. Truth is, it really doesn't, but thanks for your 1c worth anyhow.

Why would you like to say it bothers you?

Because unlike the two here that you have thrown your support behind, I have some respect for you.
Shame then that you take that position, but then again in greater scheme of life, who really cares?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Alex179

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2009, 02:55:54 AM »
Sir Les...You're being a bit of dickhead.
They all are, get used to it.   I remember when the majority of I2 members were being dickheads to eachother, that was when the site was actually intense.

Pillars of Humanity, all.
I would like to topple the pillars of humanity, to be honest.   
:P   Internets are super serious.


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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2009, 02:58:13 AM »
Sir Les...You're being a bit of dickhead.
They all are, get used to it.   I remember when the majority of I2 members were being dickheads to eachother, that was when the site was actually intense.

Pillars of Humanity, all.
I would like to topple the pillars of humanity, to be honest.   

Good luck in finding any.

Offline Alex179

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2009, 03:02:35 AM »
Sir Les...You're being a bit of dickhead.
They all are, get used to it.   I remember when the majority of I2 members were being dickheads to eachother, that was when the site was actually intense.

Pillars of Humanity, all.
I would like to topple the pillars of humanity, to be honest.   

Good luck in finding any.
I meant the pillars as perceived by the masses.    I have yet to meet anyone I would consider as a "Pillar of Humanity" or anything of that ilk.   Mostly worthless bags of flesh and guts.
:P   Internets are super serious.

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2009, 07:06:32 AM »
Then you will see decreasing in posts aside from the bickering and the death of this forum,  Snipes here and there are healthy but this is turning into a bitchy bitchy place not fun for the rest of us
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #36 on: November 29, 2009, 07:09:44 AM »
Then you will see decreasing in posts aside from the bickering and the death of this forum,  Snipes here and there are healthy but this is turning into a bitchy bitchy place not fun for the rest of us

Which is why I advocate to have it contained in the callout thread and let the bad blood spill and the venting complete and not festering.
I expect you having been here a while see good reasoning behind this and have seen it work in the past.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2009, 07:21:33 AM »
I still wish it would end.   It is is nonproductive and further drives peony away
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw


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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2009, 07:48:17 AM »
I've offered to end this twice now, may I remind you all  8)

Unfortunately this immature git hasn't got the grace to step down and be a man  :(

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2009, 07:56:55 AM »
I've offered to end this twice now, may I remind you all  8)

Unfortunately this immature git hasn't got the grace to step down and be a man  :(

I accepted your truce in the callout and you started a thread to try and smear me. You then wanted to drop it and I countered that the callout that you and Soph both started was best to resolve it.
Not wanting to let unresolved issues and bad blood fester is hardly immature is it Bint?

So remind us all you like Bint but the callouts are there and best to be used if you are at all genuine.

(Course in the mean time you and Soph probably ought to sort out the messes you have made with Phlexor, TigerLily and PPK (You girls have been busy). I won't be online a while as I have work in another 8 hours. I can wait. You two have a bit of patch up in the meantime.

Guess that blows you moral high ground huh?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2009, 08:06:41 AM »
Not to smear you but to point out that you have been taking information out of the Elder forum in order to make low personal attacks on others.  Stop trying to play the victim.  Poor, poor, little Les, getting picked on by two, mean kids (emo)

Calling you "old man" and the like hardly warrented for the fucking essay you wrote to mock Soph being transgendered does it?  It was mean and spiteful and all that followed was us retaliating.    You seem to like drawing great attention to the paedo comment (big fucking deal, it's not like he said you ARE one) and the heart attack thread forgetting all this was made in answer to the fucked up shit you wrote about Lily.  It's been you the whole time Les. 

I think the privilege you have in this argument is that most of the really messed up shit you wrote is safely stored away at ZOMG, not to mention the actual beginning of this argument.  None of this would have happened if a) you didn't stick your oar in where it wasn't wanted  b) I didn't try to protect a person who was unworthy of being considered a friend in the first place.

I couldn't care less about Phlexor or PPK, they took your side and attacked us so we attacked them.  Hardly a sin is it  ::)


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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2009, 08:47:20 AM »

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2009, 09:58:41 AM »
Oooh, les made a comment where it wasn't wanted, boo fucking hoo. You don't want others to comment, take it to PM. Unless you are the moderator.  :laugh:

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2009, 10:00:49 AM »
What are you talking about?  ???

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Re: What's going on here
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2009, 10:05:59 AM »