For this mainly:
Oh have a look through the WP Picture thread 
OK, now let's look at what you've been aiming at me and Bint shall we?
Massive nasty posts about me being transgendered
Mocking me for not getting laid and looking ugly
Taunting me about my OCD and trying to trigger it off
Taking the piss out of Bint's problems with her family
Winding he up about being homeless
Revolting posts about my dog dying
and in all that time, what did we say to you?
That you were ugly and dumb
Well, ugly - you didn't mind attacking us on our looks either, and dumb - I'd call ANYONE dumb in an argument if I thought they were being retarded. Hardly a personal attack like yours are
Yes, the comment about you looking like a paedophile was fucking low and stupid, and I was going to apologise for it this morning as I regretted it. But not now.
The reason I posted that comment was becuase I was fucking pissed off about your SICK fucking comments about my dog - look at the times if you want - I made it about an hour after you first started your sick little posts about my dog
So don't you fucking dare try and say you only stooped this low after I did. Liar