Author Topic: I hope Les has another heart attack soon  (Read 15863 times)

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2009, 09:59:33 AM »
Who says only physical appearance matters to me? I'd want both if I was gonna have a relationship with someone. I've remained friends with girls IRL who wanted more than friendship. I don't see any reason for more though if it;s just her personality I like. I need both for a girlfriend.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #31 on: November 29, 2009, 10:09:32 AM »
So what you're trying to tell me is that you want to be lonely?

What are the odds of someone meeting you criteria? Who also happens to find you attractive?

So its someone who has looks, personality, and doesn't mind someone who is transgendered mentally and is into your looks and personality.

I know someone personally who is as picky/fussy as you and also on the spectrum. He's 38 and lonely.

Offline Adam

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2009, 10:16:28 AM »
There have actually been quite a few online. I'm not THAT fussy when it comes to looks. I find a lot of women attractive.

I'm not lonely though. But even if I was, I'd rather be lonely than be with a woman I don't particularly wanna be with, just so I'm not on my own. I dn't want a relationship that badly.

But yeh, it's certainly possible with women I've met online. So if I put the effort in (which I could do if I ever really wanted a gf badly), I'm sure it could work IRL too

Offline The Member Formerly Known As Sophist

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2009, 11:43:27 AM »
andd dies

Regardless of what personal attacks Les has made on you, that's pretty damn low, Soph. And childish.

You say you want a woman. This is a prime example of the kind of thing that's NOT going to get you one.


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2009, 11:58:53 AM »
It was in answer to various posts Sir Les made about Lily dying.  Soph was provoked.  He did stoop low with this but it was to a level Sir Les has already set.


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2009, 12:51:09 PM »
Would people please call Soph by her biologocal gender so I don't get confused? is that too much to ask??


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #36 on: November 29, 2009, 12:52:04 PM »
Is it to much to ask to call him by what he identifies as?  ::)

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2009, 12:54:58 PM »
cg I left it fo ages without getting really personal with him after he;d been making those personal attacks right from hte start on zomg. So tbh I see nothing wrong  with me finally reacting to it and stooping to his level. Yeah, it's dumb. But I don't care really.

Alex, you are an idiot if you think pets can be replaced easily. IMO what he said was worse as he was attacking someone else, my pets. All I'm doing is attacking him. If he'd said the same thing to me (that he hopes I die), I wouldn't have been in the slightest bit bothered as it would be aimed at me. Attack my dog though and you're a fucking low-life scum.

Yeah the paedo comment was low. I was gonna apologise for that yesyterday morning when I got on as I regretted saying that. But then I saw the rest of the shit and lies he was coming out with and changed my mind. It's not like I said he WAS a paedo though. I said he looked like one. And tbh I think that about a lot of people I see in the street. When they have that creepy old pervert look about them. So I said it. Just like he's said plenty of times what he thinks about my looks and Bint's looks.

Phlexor I don't even know what your wife looks like. If she's with you though then she's probably not the kinda woman I'd be attracted to. But I know I could get a gf if I had different standards when it comes to physical attraction. And I know she's a member on here. I see no reason to go after her though as I don't have a problem with her. I'm just saying what I think - you made a comment about me not getting women, so I responded - in all honesty I do believe I COULD get a woman as hot as any women you could get. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I'm not gonna lie. That's what I think. I've never seen a picture of your wife so I dunno if she's fat or ugly. But I do think I could get a gf with the same level of physical attractiveness (to me) as any you could get

This right you seem to think you have not to be offended comes from where exactly?

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2009, 12:56:31 PM »
Would people please call Soph by her biologocal gender so I don't get confused? is that too much to ask??


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2009, 12:57:16 PM »
Fuck off Hadron ;)


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2009, 01:02:57 PM »
Is it to much to ask to call him by what he identifies as?  ::)

I think PPK's description is the most accurate, Gender confused split-tail.

"He" either implies a penis or elevated testosterone levels, niether of which Soph has.  :police:


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2009, 01:05:44 PM »
The only confusion about his gender comes from you lot.  He on the other hand is very secure with both his gender and sexuality  :zoinks:


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2009, 01:07:27 PM »
The only confusion about his gender comes from you lot.  He on the other hand is very secure with both his gender and sexuality  :zoinks:

Which explains why it has never been laid??  ::) :facepalm2:


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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2009, 01:11:12 PM »
Could you be anymore of a dickhead  ::)

Really, are concepts of being transgendered and pansexual such difficult to understand?  Or is this place teeming with morons?

I think the latter  :thumbup:

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: I hope Les has another heart attack soon
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2009, 01:21:08 PM »
Could you be anymore of a dickhead  ::)

Really, are concepts of being transgendered and pansexual such difficult to understand?  Or is this place teeming with morons?

I think the latter  :thumbup:
Goodness they are very easy to understand - and very easy for sane people to reject.