I don't like animals in general or so.
I like it that there are animals. That there are plants. That there are humans. And sometimes I bond with an animal, a plant or a human.
I want to treat animals with respect. So, if I see a spider in the house, I'll put it outside most of the times. Even wasps, (I'm terrified of them) I will put out if I see them in the house in June. End July or later, I will not hesitate setting traps for them and let them drown in lemonade. They are way to aggressive then to have around. Mosquitoes I squash whenever I can. They are after me, I go after them. But not with poison. Keeping it a fair fight

I'm not opposed to eating meat, don't like it myself, but that's another thing. I hate cruelty against animals (though guilty with the wasps, I know) I think animals deserve a good animal life, before they are eaten.
I don't understand the way some people think about animals.
When people hear I'm a vegetarian they feel guilty, and some say they are part-time vegetarian, because they don't eat rabbit or so. So what? There is no difference in eating rabbit or eating pork. There is a difference in eating a beast that had a rotten life, and eating a beast that has had a decent life. And there is a difference between eating an animal, or eating a pet animal.
Someone eating his own pet, I have problems with that, unless in times of real hunger. Because it is a betrayal of the bonding, and times should be very dire indeed, before even thinking about that.
I don't get how people eat pork happily, but find it cruel to eat lamb. That lamb has been walking outdoors, being a lamb for a year. That pig most of the times has never seen a field, and is only a few months old.
Oh, one other thing I find weird.
I knew a vet, she worked both in a pet clinic and a vet clinic. In both she would treat cats and dogs too. She hated doing the regular things like spading in the pet clinic. Because there she had to over-treat the animals, for the sake of their owners. In the vet clinic, she'd treat the animals like animals. Not giving extra painkillers and such. Letting them go home sooner too. And they recovered far quicker that way. With the extra painkillers in the pet clinic, there would be more complications, and it took longer for the animals to recover.
Cruelty in my eyes. Over-treating an animal, because the boss of the animal feels happier that way is abuse.