Hey Bint

Hyke and Les, having sex? 
Nice. Not only do you have a go at me, who you don't like but you have a go at Hyke (Who as far as I know not done anything to you) Right?
So having posted a shitty insult at Hyke, do you take responsibility for that? No. Here is what you post to her on her ask away thread the next day.
Do you hate me?
This is followed by more whining about how tough things are for you and you saying you are in a self-destructive mode.

Not to smear you but to point out that you have been taking information out of the Elder forum in order to make low personal attacks on others. Stop trying to play the victim. Poor, poor, little Les, getting picked on by two, mean kids 
Calling you "old man" and the like hardly warrented for the fucking essay you wrote to mock Soph being transgendered does it? It was mean and spiteful and all that followed was us retaliating. You seem to like drawing great attention to the paedo comment (big fucking deal, it's not like he said you ARE one) and the heart attack thread forgetting all this was made in answer to the fucked up shit you wrote about Lily. It's been you the whole time Les.
I think the privilege you have in this argument is that most of the really messed up shit you wrote is safely stored away at ZOMG, not to mention the actual beginning of this argument. None of this would have happened if a) you didn't stick your oar in where it wasn't wanted b) I didn't try to protect a person who was unworthy of being considered a friend in the first place.
I couldn't care less about Phlexor or PPK, they took your side and attacked us so we attacked them. Hardly a sin is it 
Bint I am not protected by privilege. Hell post what you like. I never shirk from what I write. Post the lot.
I am scarcely playing the victim. In fact I went to great length to say I don't give a shit and that the shots you took at me were fair in the scheme of the discussion so are you lying or merely misrepresenting things. (I think lying. I see a pattern)
You two mean? :lol:
Attacking PPK and Phlex? They weren't taking my side? Fuck where did you get that idea? You and Soph started posts with retarded concepts like Animals are better than humans. They simply took different opinions on things like this and you chose to go them and turn it into a conspiracy. Had you have said Women are better than men or something equally as provocative you would have had others taking a different view and that too has fuck all to do with me.
Oh the transgender essay that you are whining about again, got these comments from you two afterwards:
Do you really expect us to believe you typed up your little hilarious transgender story in a minute? :lol:
Methinks copy and paste.
omg is this the best you can do? :G
So it was hilarious and funny......right? Can't have it both ways Bint.
So for the record....you have been a member here for about two years and seem to continually go through Spammy happy patches and spammy shitty "shit on others" patches and spammy, whiny emo patches.
We are supposed to celebrate your happy patches, ignore you when you shitty on your friends and anyone who takes a contrary opinion to you (heaven forbid call you out - because poor Gussie has "problems") then allow you to whine unchecked.
Not your playground Gus and if you have not got your shit together enough yet, in two years, to realise you being shitty and avoiding responsibility for being a useless bitch is not worthy of being called on, and having to justify, then you are mistaken.
Says something don't it that you make and break close friendships and take shots at people for no other reason than to be a bitch and yet have seemingly no friends aside from people on this board, with a different neurotype, and who you at any given time might piss on because you are "self-destructive". Things don't change and you don't take accountability for your actions. Fucked if I will be a "better person" because you are too useless to make the effort with us except when it suits you to do so.
Fucking loser Bint.