
Author Topic: You big baby  (Read 2766 times)

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You big baby
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:56:00 PM »
You lot don't want the Elder thread to go off-topic, fine.  Here you can't complain  8)

I challenge you Sir Les cause you're a sad, old man who doesn't have the maturity to step down in an argument but instead prefers to make low personal attacks on others.  A fine example of it is this (1 minute  :zoinks:) post right here:

Nothing to back it, but why not throw it out there. I mean you are a credible type Soph.

You really want something to roll on the floor laughing over? I am going to make an imaginary scenario and see if you can see how comical this is. Imagine a woman in her early 20's. Imagine them a skinny, small boobed, high-voiced and plain faced. Imagine them as identifying themselves as male. They are interested in women and consider themselves a transgendered heterosexual man.

They lust after women like most heterosexual men but of course comes the interesting question. What sort of woman would want such a person and what and more so HOW would they find them sexually appealing? See a transgendered person like this would "look" like , sound like, be cultured and socialised as a female. So...the transgendered person would be "projecting as best they can as a male and any female that may be attracted are likely to have to either be attracted to that person who is for all intents female (a plain, skinny, nondescript, tomboy-dressed one - but one nevertheless), and have to get their mind over the whole different mental gender to the physical one.

May be easier for perhaps a lesbian female or bi-sexual female to make that mental divide and be attracted as though the person was a lesbian girl. I mean it would be semantics really. Except of course to the transgendered person. But let's say this plain looking person who looks like a plain girl, sounds like a plain girl and behaves....well pretty much like a plain girl, manages someone to get a girl into bed. Suddenly the REALLY funny bit happen (ready for teh real rotfl bit). You have a physical girl who for reasons which are probably funny in their own right wanting to screw this "man". What does our transgendered man have to make this meeting a success? They have wooed them as a male but don't have the "equipment". Mentally they have projected male and got this interest on board as a male. They have sold the image and now it is time for physically carry through with the contract.

Physical reality is girl on girl sex is lesbian sex and that is all they can offer. But do them want a lesbian experience with their love interest. Sexual experience will be tainted in the transgendered person's mind as knowing they probably were just attracted to them as a woman to a woman and the satisfaction (or not due to the physical attraction of form. A female form.
Now that sounds quite daunting. If I was that transgendered person I would be shit scared and completely screwed up and avoid sex. In fact I would probably be a virgin into my 20's.

What a total fuck up that person would be huh? A total fucking Idiot. :lol: Soph you still rofl? Funny huh?


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Re: You big baby
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2009, 04:42:13 PM »


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Re: You big baby
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2009, 05:24:08 AM »
Come on twathead, stop being a pussy and ignoring this thread  :zoinks:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2009, 05:31:39 AM »

I did not ignore this thread. I did not know it existed.
I saw your first post on this and what I wrote to Soph. So?
Was there something wrong with what I wrote? You posted it a few times, as if it made some statement. I thought it was pretty good myself.  :thumbup:

So you have me here and I am wondering if besides bluster, whine and spam, you have a point of any credibility, or is this an opportunity to textually vomit everywhere?

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2009, 05:49:10 AM »
It makes a statement about the type of person you are :)

So you have me here and I am wondering if besides bluster, whine and spam, you have a point of any credibility, or is this an opportunity to textually vomit everywhere?

Says the one who started a riveting thread about a nightmare I once had about my mother.

Says the one who prefers to make low personal attacks because he feels vulnerable but doesn't have the guts to admit it.

Says the one who doesn't have the grace to accept a peace offering.

Says the one who acts less mature than a kid he's old enough to be a parent of.

Offline Adam

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2009, 05:59:36 AM »
Was there something wrong with what I wrote?

Go back to school and find your English teacher. They could probably point out a few dozen things  :thumbup:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2009, 06:48:15 AM »
It makes a statement about the type of person you are :)

So you have me here and I am wondering if besides bluster, whine and spam, you have a point of any credibility, or is this an opportunity to textually vomit everywhere?

Says the one who started a riveting thread about a nightmare I once had about my mother.

Says the one who prefers to make low personal attacks because he feels vulnerable but doesn't have the guts to admit it.

Says the one who doesn't have the grace to accept a peace offering.

Says the one who acts less mature than a kid he's old enough to be a parent of.

OK this is definite whine.

"Says the one who started a riveting thread about a nightmare I once had about my mother."

Hey the sexual fantasy thread was a bit of fun and enjoy by all. Well almost all. (How was I to know you would not see the humour inherent in it). Lighten up.
What? You believed you would start your Elders thread and I would what exactly? Apologise through your flurry of insults? Run away? Cop it sweet? Make some sycophantic gesture of reconciliation whilst you two take some moral high ground and parting shots?
This is never going to happen and never was. What you are doing is fantasizing. Kind of like you were with your Mum but not with quite the creepy factor  :hahaha:

"Says the one who prefers to make low personal attacks because he feels vulnerable but doesn't have the guts to admit it."

OK hypothetically if i am feeling vulnerable but inclined to say that I am not then my response is likely to be the same as if i was not feeling vulnerable and therefore inclined to rightly say i am not.

Might have seemed like a smart bit of logic there but Blind Freddy can see the logic flaw and so could everyone here (except the uni-mind that is you and Soph.)

Says the one who doesn't have the grace to accept a peace offering.

Don't even try that shit again. I showed were in my Pm I accepted your truce and said I would cut you two an even break. I bolded it.

Now what does this say "From here on I see no downside to continuing BUT meh.... I am prepared to show a bit of birthday spirit.

I will cut you two an even break. I will reply to the last statements you made on each thread you have taken a shot at me and that is it

Yes you have bought this up a lot but what did I actually say? Stop playing the victim and stop lying. You may convince yourself or your empty-headed friend Soph but no-one else is buying it. We have seen what it written and can comprehend. You just look more stupid.

Says the one who acts less mature than a kid he's old enough to be a parent of.

Oh you think you are acting mature or are judge of what i mature. Got it. Sorry was there something substantial in this whine? Something gripping and forceful and damning? Can't see it.

Oh and then there is the other half of the Uni-mind. Soph.

Was there something wrong with what I wrote?

I am not so interested in school. Been there and done that. You are still going through the motions of schooling and I suppose it lends itself some importance in your life.

So that it ladies?
Go back to school and find your English teacher. They could probably point out a few dozen things  :thumbup:
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: You big baby
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2009, 07:12:42 AM »
Hey the sexual fantasy thread was a bit of fun and enjoy by all. Well almost all. (How was I to know you would not see the humour inherent in it). Lighten up.

Enjoyed* by all.  Get it right.  Secondly, you're not fooling anyone by going on how fun it all is for you.  Thirdly, perhaps you should invest in a sense of humour as well as a decent education.

What you are doing is fantasizing. Kind of like you were with your Mum but not with quite the creepy factor  :hahaha:

I'm not the one who said it was "kinky"  ;)

smart bit of logic

Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron  :zoinks:

Don't even try that shit again. I showed were in my Pm I accepted your truce and said I would cut you two an even break. I bolded it.

Now what does this say "From here on I see no downside to continuing BUT meh.... I am prepared to show a bit of birthday spirit.

I will cut you two an even break. I will reply to the last statements you made on each thread you have taken a shot at me and that is it

Yes you have bought this up a lot but what did I actually say? Stop playing the victim and stop lying. You may convince yourself or your empty-headed friend Soph but no-one else is buying it. We have seen what it written and can comprehend. You just look more stupid.

Sure, leave out the cunty bits to make yourself look better.  You did not accept my peace offering, you acted as if you were doing me a massive favour and being magnanimous.  You are a liar.  Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.

I am not so interested in school.

Oh we can see that  :hahaha:
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:15:05 AM by B. »


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Re: You big baby
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2009, 07:28:59 AM »
Perhaps I should post your whole PM again, to refresh your memory:

Hahaha  :hahaha:

Ok. To be more than a little bit charitable I will indulge you here and let you know what this post says to me and what power your research gives you.

Firstly, yes I am Dyslexic and yes I am Insomniac. The later from early childhood sleep anxiety as I had an Alcoholic Father that used to rock up at all hours drunk and "disagreeable". I used to stay  awake to intercede and get him away from  my Mum and younger Brother. (Hell there is some more ammo for you. :P )

Am I ugly? I think so. Many don't but then I find men pretty unsightly as a sex so there you go.

In fact use whatever you like from WP. I am cool with that or make shit up if you like ;)

Don't be telling you what tactics or key phrases or slights you are trying against me  :lol:
Damn! You really aren't good at this at all.

Oh the retard thing? Again this is not anything like a big deal at all. I will help you out here with some more ammo. 1980's the ASD diagnostic criteria filtered into Psychiatric and associated communities. They were able to diagnose us Spazzes. I did not get that nor any support in schooling and taught myself how to read and write properly through no little effort through nightschool. My Autism and  Dyslexia (in the absence of other diagnosis) was put down to mild retardation.

Now when do you think I came to terms with that. After I learned to read and write? After I got accepted into my BA at the most prestigious Uni in my state? After my diagnosis? To be honest I really don't fucking know but I am cool with that and it does not yank my chain.

That and other stuff you have tried does not fluster or anger or upset me. What it does it appeals to my competitive nature and I will see to return fire with better shots and wait for the reaction. I just use it as a green light to take the gloves off. I use to be a member of a few flamer and troll sites and LOVE combative stoushes and flame wars and flame tournaments. They are good fun.

Hell after the disagreements over what I saw as Emo posts from Soph you two decided to try it on with me and that was kinda fun too but I was told that you too were a little bit upset by this and taking it badly and I thought to give Soph an opportunity in the Call-out to have an out. It was against what I wanted but I was being nice.

After you started in on me again, I thought "Oh hell why the fuck not? Besides they have indicated they are enjoying this and it is fun for you, let's see where this goes. They obviously did not have any problem with it last time if they started up again. Maybe you should not have allowed an out in that callout - spoiled your fun for nothing.".

So that is kinda where you are. I know you tried to indicate that the WP dirt you had on me was at hand and ready to use and trying to "allow me an out", but that really is not that explosive and rather than be blown away by what you have discovered I will still back, smirk, laugh at the effort you went to and think "Hmmmm....OK stepping it up a notch. LOL. Good stuff."

However all this is my birthday today. I had an unreal day. I am happy, content and against my better judgment, generous. I am getting to you and Soph both and I am getting far more out of this than you two. You have invested time and effort going through WP trying to find dirt and have found nothing substantial to get to me and then told me  :lol: From here on I see no downside to continuing BUT meh.... I am prepared to show a bit of birthday spirit.

I will cut you two an even break. I will reply to the last statements you made on each thread you have taken a shot at me and that is it......until either of you post so much as a suspicious letter my way. Then I am afraid I will not offer you an even break or an out. I am a Sweetheart but not a Sucker. I don't care who decides to go me on any forum, I will fight back, and hard, and like it.

Apart from that thanks for the fun Bint and if you want to use the shit from WP go ahead. You want to go another couple of rounds, OK. Hell there SHOULD be enough fodder here to pad into a few posts to cause some drama and unrest. Won't do much long term but it may raise a few pulses in the short term. Again it doesn't bother me, it is all fun and entertains me. (Gives me something to do inbetween IM'ing and bouncing between forums TBH)

Up to you Bint. (Oh BTW were you not to attached yourself to Soph's cause over the Emo thing, I would not have taken shots at you and likewise if Soph can not have done the same for you at Zomgaspies, I would not have taken shots at him. You both did and so I decided to go after you both as a single entity. Seemed fair. Don't you think?  :zoinks: )

PS Yes it did a looooooonnnnnngggg time.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2009, 08:02:49 AM »
Hey the sexual fantasy thread was a bit of fun and enjoy by all. Well almost all. (How was I to know you would not see the humour inherent in it). Lighten up.

Enjoyed* by all.  Get it right.  Secondly, you're not fooling anyone by going on how fun it all is for you.  Thirdly, perhaps you should invest in a sense of humour as well as a decent education.

What you are doing is fantasizing. Kind of like you were with your Mum but not with quite the creepy factor  :hahaha:

I'm not the one who said it was "kinky"  ;)

smart bit of logic

Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron  :zoinks:

Don't even try that shit again. I showed were in my Pm I accepted your truce and said I would cut you two an even break. I bolded it.

Now what does this say "From here on I see no downside to continuing BUT meh.... I am prepared to show a bit of birthday spirit.

I will cut you two an even break. I will reply to the last statements you made on each thread you have taken a shot at me and that is it

Yes you have bought this up a lot but what did I actually say? Stop playing the victim and stop lying. You may convince yourself or your empty-headed friend Soph but no-one else is buying it. We have seen what it written and can comprehend. You just look more stupid.

Sure, leave out the cunty bits to make yourself look better.  You did not accept my peace offering, you acted as if you were doing me a massive favour and being magnanimous.  You are a liar.  Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.

I am not so interested in school.

Oh we can see that  :hahaha:

"Enjoyed* by all.  Get it right.  Secondly, you're not fooling anyone by going on how fun it all is for you.  Thirdly, perhaps you should invest in a sense of humour as well as a decent education."

I am not trying to fool anyone my silly muddleheaded little friend. I have a sense of humour. I know you don't think much of it but that is OK. If you can live with your stupidity and the subconscious feelings towards your Mum, I can live with you not understanding and appreciating my humour.

Investing in a decent education? Oh that really gets to me....Oh that is terrible...the worst...oh I think I will....ignore the lame attempt and see what other shit you have written.

I'm not the one who said it was "kinky"  ;)

Oh in that case I am just as pwned as you.  ??? Was that what you are trying for? Poor effort Bint. Is that the best you and Soph can Uni-mind.
Kids these days.

Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron  :zoinks:

Uh-huh. "Methinks doth protest too much"  :hahaha:

Sure, leave out the cunty bits to make yourself look better.  You did not accept my peace offering, you acted as if you were doing me a massive favour and being magnanimous.  You are a liar.  Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.

I left out all the bits which were not relating to what you accused. I was acting magnanimous and I still believe I was doing you both a favour.

So here and now I call you on it.

Regardless of how I felt about accepting the truce, it is evidenced there that I did You accused me of lying about it and not accepting the truce. Prove to everyone that I am lying and that you are not lying. There we go. I clearly mentioned that there. Not liking how I worded my PM not withstanding, the acceptance that you accused me of not undertaking, was there. So prove that YOU are not a liar (Soph too whilst you are at it).

Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.

What you don't see my charm and wit? Shame. I was so trying to make a good impression on you both. Sucks to be so spazzy. :P

Oh we can see that  :hahaha:

Oh good one Bint. No-one understands a fucking thing you write except for Soph and it has nothing to do with how smart or clever you both are at writing. Look at the Elders thread. Only you two knew what the hell you were on about. Why? Because you speak the same dialect of stupid. School evidently has not done much for you two.

Savage accusations and furious chest beating. I wonder how long spamtard Bint can keep up this level of non-spam? Crazy kid.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2009, 08:18:18 AM »
Perhaps I should post your whole PM again, to refresh your memory:

Hahaha  :hahaha:

Ok. To be more than a little bit charitable I will indulge you here and let you know what this post says to me and what power your research gives you.

Firstly, yes I am Dyslexic and yes I am Insomniac. The later from early childhood sleep anxiety as I had an Alcoholic Father that used to rock up at all hours drunk and "disagreeable". I used to stay  awake to intercede and get him away from  my Mum and younger Brother. (Hell there is some more ammo for you. :P )

Am I ugly? I think so. Many don't but then I find men pretty unsightly as a sex so there you go.

In fact use whatever you like from WP. I am cool with that or make shit up if you like ;)

Don't be telling you what tactics or key phrases or slights you are trying against me  :lol:
Damn! You really aren't good at this at all.

Oh the retard thing? Again this is not anything like a big deal at all. I will help you out here with some more ammo. 1980's the ASD diagnostic criteria filtered into Psychiatric and associated communities. They were able to diagnose us Spazzes. I did not get that nor any support in schooling and taught myself how to read and write properly through no little effort through nightschool. My Autism and  Dyslexia (in the absence of other diagnosis) was put down to mild retardation.

Now when do you think I came to terms with that. After I learned to read and write? After I got accepted into my BA at the most prestigious Uni in my state? After my diagnosis? To be honest I really don't fucking know but I am cool with that and it does not yank my chain.

That and other stuff you have tried does not fluster or anger or upset me. What it does it appeals to my competitive nature and I will see to return fire with better shots and wait for the reaction. I just use it as a green light to take the gloves off. I use to be a member of a few flamer and troll sites and LOVE combative stoushes and flame wars and flame tournaments. They are good fun.

Hell after the disagreements over what I saw as Emo posts from Soph you two decided to try it on with me and that was kinda fun too but I was told that you too were a little bit upset by this and taking it badly and I thought to give Soph an opportunity in the Call-out to have an out. It was against what I wanted but I was being nice.

After you started in on me again, I thought "Oh hell why the fuck not? Besides they have indicated they are enjoying this and it is fun for you, let's see where this goes. They obviously did not have any problem with it last time if they started up again. Maybe you should not have allowed an out in that callout - spoiled your fun for nothing.".

So that is kinda where you are. I know you tried to indicate that the WP dirt you had on me was at hand and ready to use and trying to "allow me an out", but that really is not that explosive and rather than be blown away by what you have discovered I will still back, smirk, laugh at the effort you went to and think "Hmmmm....OK stepping it up a notch. LOL. Good stuff."

However all this is my birthday today. I had an unreal day. I am happy, content and against my better judgment, generous. I am getting to you and Soph both and I am getting far more out of this than you two. You have invested time and effort going through WP trying to find dirt and have found nothing substantial to get to me and then told me  :lol: From here on I see no downside to continuing BUT meh.... I am prepared to show a bit of birthday spirit.

I will cut you two an even break. I will reply to the last statements you made on each thread you have taken a shot at me and that is it......until either of you post so much as a suspicious letter my way. Then I am afraid I will not offer you an even break or an out. I am a Sweetheart but not a Sucker. I don't care who decides to go me on any forum, I will fight back, and hard, and like it.

Apart from that thanks for the fun Bint and if you want to use the shit from WP go ahead. You want to go another couple of rounds, OK. Hell there SHOULD be enough fodder here to pad into a few posts to cause some drama and unrest. Won't do much long term but it may raise a few pulses in the short term. Again it doesn't bother me, it is all fun and entertains me. (Gives me something to do inbetween IM'ing and bouncing between forums TBH)

Up to you Bint. (Oh BTW were you not to attached yourself to Soph's cause over the Emo thing, I would not have taken shots at you and likewise if Soph can not have done the same for you at Zomgaspies, I would not have taken shots at him. You both did and so I decided to go after you both as a single entity. Seemed fair. Don't you think?  :zoinks: )

PS Yes it did a looooooonnnnnngggg time.

No Bint you have displayed it a few times and not only have I seen it then but I wrote the bloody thing :P

Now. It ought to be very simply for you.

Prove that you weren't lying. I have proved I accepted a truce (Yes I did mock you and yes I considered it a favour and all of that but prove that I did not accept the truce and that you were not lying about my refusal to accept it.) Posting my Pm in full is not an answer.

Prove that you are not  lying. As I say ought to be simple. If you are not a liar.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: You big baby
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2009, 08:19:52 AM »

Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron  :zoinks:

Uh-huh. "Methinks doth protest too much"  :hahaha:

Poor poor Les, couldn't find a dictionary at hand?  Here you go, Binty will help you:

Oxymoron: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.

I was acting magnanimous.

Prove to everyone that I am lying and that you are not lying. There we go. I clearly mentioned that there.

There you go, here's a lie for you :)  Other proof anyone else can find just by reading the whole of your PM.  Although I doubt anyone would be arsed really.  For someone who has trouble writing, you sure write a lot.  Pity it's all crap  :(

Not liking how I worded my PM not withstanding, the acceptance that you accused me of not undertaking, was there.

It's not just your PM that's getting worded crappily  :hahaha:

Oh good one Bint. No-one understands a fucking thing you write except for Soph and it has nothing to do with how smart or clever you both are at writing. Look at the Elders thread. Only you two knew what the hell you were on about. Why?

Because it's a clique ;)  Also, most of the argument was safely stashed away at ZOMG so no one could see what a cunt you are.  Hopefully now they have a bit more sense although that is probably just be wishful thinking.


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Re: You big baby
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2009, 08:22:02 AM »
Now. It ought to be very simply for you.

What's simple for me, is perhaps not simple for you  :orly:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2009, 08:46:40 AM »

Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron  :zoinks:

Uh-huh. "Methinks doth protest too much"  :hahaha:

Poor poor Les, couldn't find a dictionary at hand?  Here you go, Binty will help you:

Oxymoron: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.

No it really is Ok Bint. I was posting your Shakespeare butchery to highlight NOT my understanding of the word oxymoron but merely to highlight the intellect of the person making that announcement. Why it should bother me? But thanks for trying your best to play English Teacher. You kinda killed that fantasy with the Shakespeare magling though for there to be the slightest credibility there.

I was acting magnanimous.

Prove to everyone that I am lying and that you are not lying. There we go. I clearly mentioned that there.

There you go, here's a lie for you :)  Other proof anyone else can find just by reading the whole of your PM.  Although I doubt anyone would be arsed really.  For someone who has trouble writing, you sure write a lot.  Pity it's all crap  :(

So you are saying it is there but are not able to actually pinpoint where I refused? Funny you made such a song and dance about me not accepting your truce. I showed where I did and you come up a little short in evidencing that you aren't lying.

Not liking how I worded my PM not withstanding, the acceptance that you accused me of not undertaking, was there.

It's not just your PM that's getting worded crappily  :hahaha:

Meh, I am tired. It is 1:30am and I find myself trying to talk sense to someone terminally stupid. Kind of expected.

Still even if My wording was poor or not to your liking, that is not the issue.

I think at this point you can put your hand up for lying to everyone Bint. You can admit that you where attention whoring and that I had not in fact lied but you had.

Oh good one Bint. No-one understands a fucking thing you write except for Soph and it has nothing to do with how smart or clever you both are at writing. Look at the Elders thread. Only you two knew what the hell you were on about. Why?

Because it's a clique ;)  Also, most of the argument was safely stashed away at ZOMG so no one could see what a cunt you are.  Hopefully now they have a bit more sense although that is probably just be wishful thinking.

Oh I believe they know what type of person I am and that you are.

I am also not talking about who said what to whom. I am talking your age and maturity thing specifically and your spamtastic dribblings generally. YOu and Soph could not elaborate or explain what you meant to anyone on I2 nd when they questioned you, you became angry with them for not understanding you. It was comedy. Poor Bint, what an idiot.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 08:48:37 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: You big baby
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2009, 08:47:53 AM »
Les will you please stop breaking the quotes in your posts. It makes it even more difficult to work out what you're saying.