You are far more insecure than me hon, at least I can admit when I'm in the wrong 
Go off and post more how ugly you are, we all wanna know 
I am? Wow of all the people in the world who I thought would have a comprehensive understanding of me you are the last I would have guessed.
Oh and you want me to post how ugly I am? I have already done that. Check out the Christmas Gift thread.
Am I insecure about that? Read the Christmas Gift thread.
Is that it? C'mon Gus this is your call out.
So ummmm....I was wondering (whilst we are here with nothing to talk about), you know your Mum who you fantasise about having sex with a strapon with, is she fat? Don't get me wrong I am not the slightest bit interested in her sexually like I guess you must be, but I was thinking you physically will likely look similar to her in middle-age (just like my boy will likely become very hairy for example).
You are skinny and kinda gormless now but are you likely to be fat in another 10, 14, 20 years? Or is she petite?
Just wondering and without much from you to take on board or think about in this callout you made, it may pass time.