Hey the sexual fantasy thread was a bit of fun and enjoy by all. Well almost all. (How was I to know you would not see the humour inherent in it). Lighten up.
Enjoyed* by all. Get it right. Secondly, you're not fooling anyone by going on how fun it all is for you. Thirdly, perhaps you should invest in a sense of humour as well as a decent education.
What you are doing is fantasizing. Kind of like you were with your Mum but not with quite the creepy factor 
I'm not the one who said it was "kinky" 
smart bit of logic
Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron 
Don't even try that shit again. I showed were in my Pm I accepted your truce and said I would cut you two an even break. I bolded it.
Now what does this say "From here on I see no downside to continuing BUT meh.... I am prepared to show a bit of birthday spirit.
I will cut you two an even break. I will reply to the last statements you made on each thread you have taken a shot at me and that is it"
Yes you have bought this up a lot but what did I actually say? Stop playing the victim and stop lying. You may convince yourself or your empty-headed friend Soph but no-one else is buying it. We have seen what it written and can comprehend. You just look more stupid.
Sure, leave out the cunty bits to make yourself look better. You did not accept my peace offering, you acted as if you were doing me a massive favour and being magnanimous. You are a liar. Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.
I am not so interested in school.
Oh we can see that 
"Enjoyed* by all. Get it right. Secondly, you're not fooling anyone by going on how fun it all is for you. Thirdly, perhaps you should invest in a sense of humour as well as a decent education."I am not trying to fool anyone my silly muddleheaded little friend. I have a sense of humour. I know you don't think much of it but that is OK. If you can live with your stupidity and the subconscious feelings towards your Mum, I can live with you not understanding and appreciating my humour.
Investing in a decent education? Oh that really gets to me....Oh that is terrible...the worst...oh I think I will....ignore the lame attempt and see what other shit you have written.
I'm not the one who said it was "kinky" 
Oh in that case I am just as pwned as you.

Was that what you are trying for? Poor effort Bint. Is that the best you and Soph can Uni-mind.
Kids these days.
Coming from you that's a bit of an oxymoron 
Uh-huh. "Methinks doth protest too much"
Sure, leave out the cunty bits to make yourself look better. You did not accept my peace offering, you acted as if you were doing me a massive favour and being magnanimous. You are a liar. Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.I left out all the bits which were not relating to what you accused. I was acting magnanimous and I still believe I was doing you both a favour.
So here and now I call you on it.
Regardless of how I felt about accepting the truce, it is evidenced there that I did You accused me of lying about it and not accepting the truce. Prove to everyone that I am lying and that you are not lying. There we go. I clearly mentioned that there. Not liking how I worded my PM not withstanding, the acceptance that you accused me of not undertaking, was there. So prove that YOU are not a liar (Soph too whilst you are at it).
Not to mention spiteful and vindictive.What you don't see my charm and wit? Shame. I was so trying to make a good impression on you both. Sucks to be so spazzy.
Oh we can see that 
Oh good one Bint. No-one understands a fucking thing you write except for Soph and it has nothing to do with how smart or clever you both are at writing. Look at the Elders thread. Only you two knew what the hell you were on about. Why? Because you speak the same dialect of stupid. School evidently has not done much for you two.
Savage accusations and furious chest beating. I wonder how long spamtard Bint can keep up this level of non-spam? Crazy kid.