Unknown aspie traits that are 100% true!
Aspies are better at mastubation. When you've fucked up social skills, more time to wank off to necrophilia eh?

Aspies tend to be ugly transvestites. Look at GA.
Aspies bitch and moan about every little thing. Even over parents telling them to clean their really messy and bad smelling room.
Aspies use Linux because it makes them feel superior to normal computer users. Because jamming your penis into the floppy drive and banging your head against the keyboard to update the kernel is superior to clicking a mouse on MiKKKro$oft Winblows.
Aspies love to rape anything that moves. Including dogs and buttplugs.
Aspies are either extremely Libertarian, extremely Conservative or extremely Liberal. Most are whiny, angsty Libertarians though due to their hatred of society and love of guns.
Aspies will sooner or later have a school shooting. THE BASTARDS KEEP BULLYING ME BUT IM BETTER THAN THEM!
And so on.