An email I received today:-
'As many of you saw the protest against a prenatal test for autism in july went very well. The image was placed on many sites and attracted a lot of attention including getting onto google news. The protest in windsor (London, UK) against autism speaks went exceptionally well. The protestors got to speak with and interview the head of autism speaks in the UK (Steve Shirley). It was also filmed for a documentary on the autism rights movement.
AutTV the autism internet TV channel that we are producing and to which many of you have contributed has had a fantastic reception. Thousands of people have already watched the broadcasts and we aim to produce many more films in the future.
As some of you may be aware, one of our chatautism admin (Gowron) has recently left the team for personal reasons and has taken his server (rinoa) with him. We are now appealing for anyone else willing to donate a server with a static IP. Recently, we moved to our own DNS servers and are also looking for someone with knowledge of maintaining DNS who can act in a trustworthy and reliable manner when one of our servers changes IPs. If you have a static IP address and a decent internet connection and can open up port 6667 and/or live in the US please contact me (Gareth).
The work against a prenatal test for autism and enlightening the general public on the positive aspects of autism continues. We are always glad for your support.