Author Topic: LOL on ASSPartners  (Read 486 times)

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LOL on ASSPartners
« on: June 04, 2010, 02:17:47 PM »
Someone makes this post on AS Partners

Some man is taking his kid to day care or school and then he gets called into work so instead of dropping his kid off and then going to work, he doesn't drop his kid off and he leaves him in the car as he is working and his kid dies so therefore he must have been an aspie since an NT would never do this nor anyone else, only aspies. 

This father could have just been a dumb ass and what about parents who have left their kids in the car when coming home from grocery shopping or whatever? Or the time some mother in Missoula, Montana left her two kids in the car for three hours while she was in the casino gambling? I suppose they were all aspies?  ::)

Wow NTs and everyone else except aspies are such great people they would never leave their kids in the car. This is why I find this forum funny. Oh no every time there is a dumb ass that gets reported in the news, he must have been an aspie. LMAO.


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Re: LOL on ASSPartners
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 02:38:39 PM »
Dumbass? Try "psychopath". So that bitch thinks only autistics are capable of leaving their children to die in a hot car, eh?

Well, I could say the very same thing about NT's! :thumbdn:

It's not the lack of empathy, not distraction, not the inability to multi-task...

It's pure fucking cold-blooded murder... of CHILDREN! And that bitch on that forum with a shitty layout has the audacity to laugh THAT off and make such a derogatory and ignorant generalization about any group of people, be it race, spectrum, gender, etc.

Now, I am not going to say that only NT's are capable of murder, no no no. I will say that NT's just seem to LOVE to blame something BAD on a different spectrum, a different race, sometimes even a different gender, or the victim, instead of the perpetrator, just to make themselves feel better or something! That really pisses me off! :grrr: