ODM should take up an instrument. All girls like musicians whether they're arses or not.
I disagree. The one BF I had who was in a band has less time for me as a result (and also had less time to do things that were, in my biased opinion, a bit more useful- such as school, job, or getting adequate sleep). The band was also *not* what attracted me to him.
don't go for the overly nice "look what a good listener i am, look how kind i am" kinda shit, because yes, that WILL just get you friendship/brother status. but trying to be like an NT guy with girls is just not gonna work when you're aspie IMO
I'm definitely not currently working my way into the pants of a guy like that.

arses DO get laid, even if its just with dumb women. Most desperate AS men i know would be happy with anything.
1. Actually a lot of them seem to be handicapepd by standards that are unrealistcially high.
2. The ones who'll take anything from anyone view women as posessions they want to have and are handicapped by their own douchebaggery.
Both my serious girlfriends had violent partners before they were with me. I just feel like I'm the consololation prize, after a women has been scared off by exciting but violent men, they then choose me as a second choice because "they feel safe with me". They only resort to sleep with me if theyve been scared off by more normal men. 
Sucks to be thought of as a last resort, eh?
of course men dont need to do any of this if they are physically attractive in the first place (or dont have a weird AS personality that puts people off at the post)
There are men that are physically attractive?

If you want to go by stereotypes, how about job/car/money?
women sleep with abusive men much more than they sleep with gentle aspies. because they have more drive and motivation, more power, and their confidence makes them relaxing to be with.
I call bullshit.
Women sleep with abusive men because they have no self-esteem and no backbone and they're easy prey for dominant males. Gentle women can be a good match for gentle aspies. Confident, independent, outspoken women aren't generally a good match for gentle aspies, but they're good for more assertive independent knows his own mind and isn't afraid to speak it kind of aspie guys. But to speak your mind isn't an invitation to be a asshole.
Thank you, CG.
Let's also point out that Aspie males can be abusive douches just as easily as can NT males.