I guess it is since that appears to be what other people in this forum are doing.
I'm a 28 year old Autistic atheist alcoholic pothead retard with a menial low-paying job and a passion for random things that most people find unbelievably boring. Unlike the rash of recent social outcasts who read the wikipedia article on Aspergers and suddenly declare that they have it, I actually do have it. I was diagnosed by a neurologist at the New England Medical Center as having Asperger's Syndrome when I was 12, before that, Asperger's wasn't in the DSM and thusly I was just Autistic. I learned at an early age that if you're gonna be different, you either have to be smart or tough, I chose smart, and got my ass kicked every day until I realized I made the wrong choice. I bounced from SPED school to SPED school, had a really fucked up childhood, went to a SPED highschool where I was treated like a 4th grader, and graduated into construction work.
I've been looking for a forum where I can actually fit in and feel accepted (to an extent). I'm sick and tired of the pansy-ass "feel bad for me" douchebags at the other Autism forums like Wrongplanet or AspiesForFreedom where people constantly post messages with things like "people say mean things to me and it hurts my feelings" followed by 15 pages of people saying things like "you're better than them" and "don't let it get to you" and the mods delete my posts when I respond with "an uppercut to the jaw should prevent they from saying anything else".
See, unlike most aspies (as far as I'm aware), I do like going out to bars and getting shitfaced, I do enjoy going to parties and drinking until I can't even remember my own name, these are things that I find to be enjoyable. Blowing lines of coke off a slut's tits is always a fun and wholesome activity which for some reason seems disgusting to the members of these other forums.
I've been banned from some Aspie forums for saying that smoking Cannabis helps me with my Autistic tendencies in ways that prescriptions never could (AspiesForFreedom was particularly on the offensive about this one, with it's head admin sending me a 10 page email of bullshit anti-drug propaganda in an effort to "help" me). I try to smoke as much Cannabis as I can since it does help me think rationally and logically, as well as to think more about more important things (like paying bills, getting laid, buying beer/weed, etc.) verses my usual thought pattern of any random thing that spikes my interest at that particular moment (like doing extensive research on how they make the mountains turn blue on a coors light can, turns out it's called Chromazone ink and turns blue at 40 degrees Fahrenheit).
I recently attempted to quit smoking, I was at a pack and a half a day, and I bought an electronic cigarette, after getting used to it, now I'm addicted to the electronic cigarette and am smoking more than I was before, since that's exactly what a person who wants to quit needs is a cigarette that lasts for 12 hours and can be legally smoked indoors.
Ok, so I've established that I smoke weed, drink heavily, smoke fake cigarettes, was diagnosed by a real doctor and not by wikipedia or one of those facebook "are you Autistic" quizzes, and that I ramble on in my posts, now for some info on other stuff you undoubtedly care very little about:
I like trains, I'm a railfan (it's a real term, look it up), trains are my version of Nascar, I can tell you anything and everything about trains and railroads in general. When the gates go down at a crossing, I can tell you the make and model (and sometimes the year) of the engine pulling the train. Like Nascar fans, I often sit in my pickup next to the tracks for hours to watch trains go by. From time to time, I'll even camp out by the tracks so I can (reasonably safely) drink while watching trains. I carry a police scanner tuned to the railroad dispatching frequency so I know where the trains are, I also have track charts, and a crappy radioshack digital camera.
I've lived in central Massachusetts for my whole life and have been saying I'm gonna move to southern Cali for about 6 years now. In the winter I work at a ski area running chairlifts, I can stand out in the cold for 15+ hours in -20 weather and feel awesome. I've never had a girlfriend, only been on a few dates and seem to lack the social skills to get laid more than once a year (if that). Unlike other aspies I've encountered, I have no problem going to the store, riding the subway, or going to a bar, but when it comes to academics or rational thinking, that's where my Autistic side really kicks in. I've learned to live with Autism and can't imagine myself living any other way. I'm strongly against the idea of curing Autism and see it as a good thing you have to learn to understand, in my mind, Autism is not a horrible disease (not that it's technically a disease to begin with), but is a wonderful thing that comes with it's hardships and sacrifices.
If people like me, that's awesome, if people hate me, I've already learned to not care, and I can't think of anything else worth mentioning at this time, so I'm gonna leave it with that.