Les, what does it mean to be a man.
Good question. I can only define it by my values and understanding. Much is likely only understood by doing and being or in the vaguest or most general terms.
I will try
A man is bigger and larger than women and childrren and should seek to protect both. Much is said about maternal instincts and mother knows best and whatever. Sociaety constructs these ideologies. I think that men are far more than sperm distribution checkpoints. Men are (or should be) protectors. They ought to protect those weaker and more vulnerable. Seek to give guidance to young men as good role models and figures to look up to in terms of restraint and strength and pride.
They ought not be emotional and fickle. Strong, stable, dependable, solid. They ought to give a good example of the kind of men their daughters (should they be so inclined) should favour value-wise.
I think that the movies can rate some very good examples of good men.
The quiet, honest and value strong Atticus Finch
The devoted and loving Sam from I am Sam
The decency and powerful William Parrish from Meet Joe Black.
As I say hard to define but where we see examples of such behaviour we ought to cherish it and seek to do the same as men.
Value and pride ourselves on our masculinity and what it means to us.