Ive smoked a joint. My dad had a little grow op but the cops came.
I have used inhalants my first time was when I was thirteen I sniffed nail polish remover. I heard from other girls saying it would get you high. Ive had a problem
i'm a binge sniffer.I can go for months without them but every now and then I go through downtimes in my life or i get angry and bored. The only way to stay away
from that is to keep busy. It's hard because i'm an artist and my profession relies on art supplies like glue, paint and markers. I'm into silk screening right now
becuase the supplies I use do not have dangerous vapors.
It's hard getting off of them becuase you not only have to avoid that shady looking dealer in the alley, you have to deal with a huge diversity of
products. Drugs are under the sink, at the art store, in the closet, the hardware store, bathrooms. Uhhhhhh the stuff is everywhere.
I did inhalants becuase they were always there. They were convenient and easy to get a hold of.