Have not used much, not blown out of my mind, don't like that.
The odd cigarette when I was in smoky companionship. Liked the taste, and it stopped my eyes from itching. Never craved for a second fag though.
Some whine or eggnog and other sweet things. Later some scotch and beers.
And did some cannabis around 20, and again around 40. First time to be young and experimenting. Second time, to cope with my job, to be able to physically relax. A month ago or so, I asked someone for a puff, she was sitting next to me at a bus-stop, and asking if I did mind if she would smoke a joint. One or two puffs get my whole body relaxed, and I become super sensitive, without the negative of over sensitivity.
And of course, there is chocolate. Now that is something that I really would miss if it was not available. The only drug I've ever craved for I think.
I am scared shitless of most medical drugs btw. One of my last visits to a GP was to find out that I am not doing well on codeine, and should not take that again.