Excuse me but I think it's you who cannot defend your views to save your life.
You do not listen to any arguments that differ from your own.
There is the problem there. You don't think.
ironic lol
you're the one who takes absolutely no notice of our repeated attempts to explain things to you 
i thought you were going shopping anyway? or did u just want an excuse to leave because you were getting pwned?
Oh but I do take notice and read them. I do understand you too. It is just you have a bad grasp of logic and reason.
It is like listening to a Flat-Earther explain their position over and over and seeing them meltdown over your disinterest in taking them seriously or credibly. I do read and take notice of your oafish attempts at explaining your wacky position and I do laugh at it.
Oh I bought a nice card and a lovely tshirt from when she moves back home. Your attempt at alluding to me not having a genuine reason to go is as fail as your delusion of me getting pwned.
(Between me and you I think you are better off not inserting words like ironic into sentences at random. There i a concept behind the word and if used incorrectly does look rather stupid. Full marks on spelling though

Try a call out Soph. You will feel better for it....honest. Trust me.