There's a very odd and creepy guy in college (turns out he also has Aspergers, was home schooled) who walks around during lunchtime and stares at people, pets stranger's heads and read their newspapers. Straight away you'd think he had some form of autism (proved to be AS as I said earlier), looking really odd in general. Doesn't wash himself, wears his trousers back to front. According to several people, he loves to talk about bodies and autopsies, watched them all his life as a kid. He has an American accent even though he's really German. He has a certain "school shooter" look to him, I'm sure if someone pisses him off too much he'll kill us all... and people do take the piss out of him. Several times he has almost snapped, shouting at people, trying to strangle himself with a mouse cable, shouting "IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING!" while throwing his briefcase all over the place and so on.
It is odd, people there used to think I'm some creepy serial killer yet this guy makes me look fucking normal. Oh well.