I agree with everyone above.
For me, each breakup has followed a similar pattern.The ugly cry for a few days which includes lots of journaling and listening to music (I've got an excellent "boys suck" playlist

), a lot of long walks while plugged into my iPod, and then eventually the big emotions start to pass, I go back and forth rehashing everything in my head, and then I get to the point where I'm able to remind myself that things happen for a reason and there can be something better waiting ahead for me. So far, that last reminder has yet to prove me wrong. Each time something has ended with someone I care for, I've learned some big lessons and I've been able to take those lessons and apply them to my next relationship. I've found that as I go along, it keeps getting better. I'd like to think that I've got a good part of it figured out now (as in I don't make the same mistakes now that I did then) but it's always a learning process.