Installing a DVD writer. The hardware's in place. All I have to do now is to figure out why X-CD-Roast doesn't start...
You don't use K3B?
Currently backing up and tidying my files, ready to try Vector out again since they have a new release out. Was definitely my favourite Slackware variant.
I do use K3b, but I have OCD and once I discovered that CD Roast wouldn't start, I became obsessed with it. Anyway, it turns out that there's a dependency problem (what else?) that I'm sure a
dist-upgrade will fix.

Speaking of which, can you recommend something that allows me to edit DVD contents and such? Like removing those annoying disclaimers, trademark notices, etc? Every DVD in my Fawlty Towers box (that I got for Christmas; yay!!!) starts with half a dozen or so copyright notices that I can't skip.