that is utter bullshit.
tell all your friends from AFF to get their arses over here and we will not censor them.
get their arses here now!
I can't say I'd truly count any as friends, as is the case with most people from most other forums, including this one - so far. I know different members to varying degrees, but that's basically it. I don't think spontaneously PMing loads of members I don't know all that well asking them to come here and post about the drama would be too good an idea. And I'd hardly want to dig myself into that mess.
But I'll summarise:
It took place mostly in the chat, which I don't visit; logs of the incident were posted on the forum, though. A member with Kanner's got into what gradually built up into an argument with Amy over using the term Kannie, which the member had coined, and they began accusing each other of accusing each other of knowling less about and saying various things about the spectrum. The member with Kanner's concidered herself more distinctly autistic and said that she had a harder time in society, which resulted in further disagreements and arguing, and due to perceived insults, it continued to escalate, and namecalling began between both sides.
The member was kicked from the conversation, and after a few more conversations where it all continued, eventually resulting in another kick and temporary ban, the member - initially having been closer to the receiving end - took it all a step further by posting a message to Amy deeply insulting her as a parent and saying a couple of rather nasty things, resulting in The Ban. (though some more things allegedly preceded it. that's as far as I have detailed information, though)
Which is where the forum drama began; Gareth posted an announcement about the ban on the forum, and discussion about it all went on for a while peacefully, and some more log not included in Gareth's original message was posted by another member. Eventually though, it began to derail somewhat, and Gareth locked the topic.
Then, some time later, a new topic was made by the same member who posted the additonal log in the first one, this time with even more. A few comments were posted, a little bit of discussion occured, then It happened.
As I refreshed the forum index, I saw a thread by Amy named: "Are you happy now Natalia? Unbelieveable hypocrite!". As I tried to view it though, a message came up saying that only moderators could view the forum. And so it was, from then on. A few moments later, the disclaimer I quoted on the previous page was added to the AFF index and the rest of the forums made read only.
Tell Amy and Gareth to come here. 
Heh. I hardly think they'd appreciate it. Feel free to do it yourself, though.