Trying to figure out how I'm going to handle the coach who kicked Spencer out of gymnastics because he wasn't "good enough" at the game they were playing. Not meaning bad behaviour, meaning you're not good enough at this game so I'm not going to let you play. From a coach during a fucking 1 hour recreation gymnastics class for homeschoolers!
Kicked him out forever, or just from that one game?
Just for today but he's scared to go back. he only has one class left before the summer break anyway so I told him if he doesn't want to go next week, that's fine. If he wants to go, that's fine too. We'll wait and figure it out next week. He needs some time to process.
It seems ridiculous to me that a kids's gymnastic coach is turning playiing into a big competition anyway.
Exactly. It's 18 homeschooled kids ages 3-15 and they're divided into 3 age groups. It's just recreational. A time for them all to get together, do something physical, be social etc. Not an ounce of competition to it.
I suggest you kick the gymnastics coach too.
........right between the legs.

But no seriously , thats terrible he kicked him out for those reasons , does he have a senior that you can complain to?