Posting (I should read tomorrow's course materials but I can't be arsed atm).
What course are you doing?
Integrated Logistics Support, a military set of standards and practices for creating "supportable and maintainable systems", meaning large military equipment such as tanks, fighter jets or submarines. It's not just about the hardware, it's about designing them with their whole serviceable life in mind, with support and maintenance and so on.
Pretty cool, actually. 
How do you get into that kind of stuff? Weapons development sounds like the sort of thing I would quite enjoy after uni, or even if I went on to do a PhD
Well, my line of work is information analysis and such for document management systems, and some of our clients are large military companies and organisations. They need something like ILS, in addition to effective document management, because otherwise the systems they build would become impossibly expensive.
And yes, most of these systems are already ridiculously expensive.