And in Sweden we also have fireworks for Easter. 

Strangely, I've not seen a single rocket around here. Not one.
Cowardly dog owners are trying to stop firework sales for Easter. Part of the NWO.
Not a single rocket here in town, but of course I know a guy who sells in one of the neighbour towns. 
So that's why? That's a bit lame--keep the dogs inside and they'll be fine.
Dogs here have been kept inside (for the most part, anyway) for two generations. It is simply too densely populated to allow run-free dogs. They are killed by traffic, as mine was. Had I been more like everyone else, I would have had his balls removed before he reached puberty. I did not do this, he was an incredibly resourceful little shit, constantly broke free of our boundaries and chased pussy to his death. As much as I feel that I am the one who has lost , he died chasing pussy! I will probably die in my bed.
Some dog I claim to be, eh?
Oh, yeah, rednecks started off with their rockets on Saturday night, continued through Sunday night. The police arrested three (relatively high profile, ignoramuses of the local statutes) for Public Endangerment. LoL!!