Yeah, that's one reason I tend to mention this type of thing as a footnote, just to be consistent, but, in the same breath, point out that I hold so little gravitas to the "argument."
Course at the same time, it was a major source of grief to me as a kid that I was good but not good enough to be sent off to some special school (where I imagined that everything would magically be better and I'd find my own kind).
This shite doesn't mean nothing, or people wouldn't get so heated up over it.

I remember reading once, though, about some study of "gifted" girls with high tested IQ's, where they tracked their lives and destinies into adulthood. The trend was towards them giving up their youthful ambitions and becoming "supermoms". Maybe if people as a whole could come to some consensus on what it meant to be successful (yeah right. or at least accept each other's differing opinions), there wouldn't be so much fricking conflict over arbitrary points scored on an arbitrary and biased scale.