My older boy is a diagnosed Aspie. He is doing that teenage thing where they sleep in on weekends until well past midday. The younger one... still not sure. He has some spectrum-like qualities, and is a full-blown gaming nerd, but is more socially adept than either his brother or me.
How old are your kids, DD?
I have a ten year old son and an eight year old daughter. They have both been assessed with genius level intelligence (I still laugh at all those who proclaim their HIGH IQ over and over to those who are obviously more intelligent than they are, but some forms of genius are constantly demonstrable. So what!), LoL.
Both of them have been diagnosed as PDD-NOS (same as me).
My son also has been diagnosed with AS (in order to specify), ADHD and some (non-described, officially) sensory integration dysfunctional anomalies.
My daughter is also diagnosed with ADHD, Dyslexia and a whole different assortment of DSI issues.
I also have two other grown sons from previous relations (both approaching thirty), one is diagnosed PDD-NOS as well. The other I have not met yet, except when he was a small child.
Seriously, it seems fairly evident to me that these things are hereditary, but there seems to be some resistance to admit this as an "official" possibility.

Them nuts don't fall that far from the tree trunk, people!!