Why do the secret police want to question you?
We've applied for jobs with a government contractor, in order to work for them you have to have a Top Secret security clearance.
Good luck with that, Tesla.
I think Amy and you are right to be honest about your personal lives.
If you get top secret clearances, then I think they would be more concerned with whether you would be subject to being blackmailed because of your background than with the exact details of it anyway. Also I think you should be prepared to have your telephone calls monitored assuming that you get the job, so having nothing to hide will be a good thing.
I know that my husband's and my private telephone calls were monitored, because they called him in and played him a recording of one of them and asked him questions about it.
Be sure to drop phrases like 'Red Fox has dropped the package' and 'black dawn is coming' into your phone conversations. The people who monitor the calls need something to relieve the boredom occasionally.

In one of our private conversations, my husband was telling me about building a model helicopter he had bought at K-Mart, which was completely innocent.
He tested weapons for the US Army, so the people listening in on our phone calls thought that he was telling me about a real helicopter, so they called him in, played the recording of our conversation and asked him all about it. I guess he must have been testing the weapons on a real helicopter then. We knew that they were listening in on our phone calls after that.
He also had two guys who looked a lot like one another who kept following him around all the time. In our phone conversations, I called them the gay guys and said that they followed him around because they had a big man crush on him. He was one of the most qualified people to ever apply for the job, so for quite a while they kept trying to catch him being a spy. I guess they figured that someone with his credentials who was willing to take the job working for the government testing weapons must be a spy. The truth is, he just needed a job and this was the best one he could find.
Maybe he could have offered to take them to the testing site and driven them around for 6 hours before pulling into his garage.
In something semi-related, I watched a BBC documentary about the McCarthy era, and some guy who'd been a member of the American communist party was talking about how some sort of government agent would stand on the street corner outside his house in the evenings with a pen and notepad. Eventually he phoned the police and reported that there was a weird guy standing on the street corner exposing himself to kids, the police promptly arrived and took him away, and that was the end of guys spying on him and his family from street corners.