Waiting for the wife to get back from dropping our youngest son off at kinder so then I can take the older boys to see Star Wars The Clone Wars at the cinema. First session of opening day here. Less people, less chance of freaking out in public.
If my kids were prone to freaking out, I would not reward them by taking them to the pictures.
They should be beaten until they promise never to cry again.
In theory that sounds like a good idea. But in practice, no matter how much a keep up with the beatings, it just never pans out.
So, the idea is that you take a child who has sensory dysfunction issues, social rejection tendencies, trouble understanding body language, very little connection to those around him/her to begin with and stims like a monkey when too much sensation from any source invades said child's safe space AND we are going to teach this child to NOT stim, NOT to avoid social situations, learn what body language means, help them make social connections to other people and NOT react to stress by beating the hell out of said child.
Yeah, like that's really going to work.

... although, I DID seem to learn decent use of eye contact from being hit for looking away. Maybe there is something to all this.