falling off the wagon after a few weeekas

But, you meant to, right? 
I used it in a medicinal fashion, if that's what you meant. I fully intended for it to allay some stresses and help me to ignore pain.
I got some sleep, too.
It had been a while.
Ah. I thought that you were planning on taking it
up again, just taking a break.
Does it help you sleep?
Only at times.
It's really just that I know I have drunk a bit tooo much in the last feww weeeks. (nearly a half gallon since lasst Decemmber when I found the pricey mezcal, in adddition to a few heavy beers which I used for boilermakers.)
I have a tired old liver which might appreciate a few months off.
That's alll.
My intentions are to keeep coddling my liver for a while longer.
I ask because I know that it interferes with mine,
and I remember reading that it was likely to cause
long term sleep problems.
I had sleep problems when I was a wee child. Both my kids have sleep problems as well. They are just too fucking hyper to sleep long.
The alcohol did not cause my inability to sleep soundly.
For me, it's something else. I have always been very sensitive to alcohol, though, so maybe a couple of beers for me is like a half a jug to someone else.
I'm a very cheap drunk.