I've always wanted a
to get rid of the snow.

That is what my husband wanted to use too, but I talked him out of using it because it would have hurt the shrubs we have planted right next to the sidewalk. I did not really want to use salt on the ice for the same reason.
This is the real issue for me. Our clay is calcium clhloride heavy, limestone dust. It takes a lot of compost to offset that. Adding more salts to the mix is going to raise the pH to the point of toxicity for many of my prizes. I don't do grass, except for a small run in the back yard, for the kids. I have planting beds right up to the sidewalk. Even though we have only recently moved here, I've been maintaining this house since about '92. The garden has become quite special to me. I can't just pile that salty ice on top of my beds and cross my fingers, hoping that we get a fast thaw that will melt the snow and keep the ground frozen, so that it won't leach into the ground.
I may have to resort to to some hot water, though, Callaway, just so I don't have to pay a fine, but I have no place to put the foul stuff.