No, it's Thursday. Don't you have fireworks in the UK for Easter? All Scandinavian countries have and the German speaking countries too. 
Here, we shoot fireworks mostly for New Year's Day and the Fourth of July, Independence Day. Cities around here have huge public fireworks displays for the Fourth of July and there are fireworks stands selling the fireworks that are legal to use here. Some people drive to Wyoming to get more powerful fireworks, even though it may be illegal to shoot many of them in the cities here. You should take into account that we live in a very dry climate and the fire department often has to put out fires caused by these illegal fireworks.
My homemade little thing is higly illegal. If I blew it up in town, I'd probably go to jail for it. In Austria and Switzerland, they have commercial firecrackers of that strenght perfectly legal, though. It's a "road sign buster".

People shooting fireworks at other times than New Years Day and Independence Day here are mostly rednecks.
I'm too intelligent to be a redneck, but some of my opinions would certainly be called redneck opinions here.