It costs a fortune to buy a beer in Norway so I hope they'll fucking choke on the oil money.
Sorry, a bit grumpy today.
no, no, your right. you have no idea.
im BROKE in this fucking country
beer: easily 80-100 krones in some bars. people are HAPPPPY to pay.
bus: 35 krones in trondheim, most expensive inner-city bus ticket in the world. no exaggeration. most expensive in the world
and guess what: people are THRILLED! cus its good for the environment, theyre promising to up the prices. people are wanking off to the joy.
taxi-fare: 15 minutes: fucking 500 krones. people cry with joy. "YES!!!! LET US PAY MORE! MOOOOORE!!!"
chinese food: average 500 - 1000 krones for a meal. MADNESS. people- - -FLOCK to chinese food...
to compare: i get 7000 a month, roughly. imagine if i took a daily bus.
thats 70 krones a day, 350 a week, 1400 a month
people have money up their asses here
you guys shoulda seen when my aunt and uncle here celebrated their anniversary, me and my brother outside having a cig, we just had to lol the rows of black mercedeses parked outside, it looked like some yakuza-convention