OK Bint it is fine to make fun of fat people. It is fine to give you flack for having a problem with fat people. This is Intensity.
But I think the real point here is that you are an oxygen thief and a loser of unsurpassed depth.
You have how many friends off-line? Out of the 98.5% of the population of the same Neurotype as yourself, you seek us out because you fail at belonging, worse than what the spazzes here do. You find that funny?
When you are here you are unable to even fit in here and display the same type of idiocy that probably got you kicked out of college. (Or was that the colleges fault for not putting up with you. Bad college.)

So what is the score? Phlex is overweight. Hell, call him fat and chubby. That is one to you.
Now, you are idiotic, ugly, friendless, whiny, immature, have some really fucked up fantasies, are an attention-seeking drama queen, unable to maintain friends even here, and have most of the board actively disliking or at best barely tolerating you.
Unlike Phlex who has self-confidence, maturity, a loving partner and a young happy family, you have well.....kinda nothing.
(In all honesty I think you should try and hook up with Duke. He is kinda dumb and young (18) and about your speed. He gets erections from dogs where as you have erotic dreams about your Mum. I see a match made in heaven. I am kinda romantic that way.)
I think apart from that really tough "anti-fat people" stance against Phlex, all things considered, you are completely and utterly

by Phlex.
But hey chin up, that "Chubster" comment was really cool.
Oh Soph get over harping on the inequities of being transgendered. You are on a minority site we are all weird here.
Go have another shower and you will feel better!