you keep saying my site when refering to aspie villiage, are you on the council?
are you one of the aspie elite over there that has directed the site towards a hatred of all americans?
what i have seen so far is that you don't like:
people on disability
AS people who stand up for themselves
am i wrong?'
No I am not on the council of AV
I have no control over the council and have no particular feelings of hatred towards Americans, neither
do people on AV - they just took a decision to keep it British Isles i suppose to keep the site more
relevant and more manageable
I don't dislike Americans; I don't really know any so have nothing to base an opinion on
I spent time with a family in Oregan while at school on an exchange visit and it was OK, I felt
they didn't really 'take' to me though as I wasn't lively enough for them I think
They were nice people though
Re. the disability issue - I realise everyone is different but I feel there can be a tendancy for some people to
give up the struggle in terms of finding/maintaining employment. That is their choice but I feel in the long
run it's better for people to keep
trying ,as work is a mainstay of my life - without it i'm f*****
So I try and put across the benefits of continually striving to find employment. I'm not looking down on those
who don't work though. I was making a facile, cheap-shot remark to peaguy re. it figuring that he wasn't employed
- I know it was unfair but he
had provoked me with his unpleasant posts towards me
AS people who stand up for themselves - I admire people who stand up for themselves, I certainly don't dislike them
but obviously, within the 'stand up for themselves' category there are going to be 'personality clashes' ie people
I don't see eye to eye with and vice versa
Please feel free to point out any other questions I haven't answered
Nessa Â