Author Topic: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer  (Read 31910 times)

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #465 on: September 02, 2006, 05:56:36 PM »

I go away to live my life and look what happens!?

Can I just quote Dunc here:-

"its hard to feel comfortable posting somewhere, when you are constantly biting your tongue to avoid upsetting someone, or being seen as nasty. that was one of the main reasons this site was created."

So surely I'm living up to the ethic of this board ie NOT biting my tongue to avoid upsetting anyone??

You lot give it out but don't like it back - I maintain my original stance!

No one said my opinion was God's given word either, it's only ever been just that, AN OPINION

But it sure has riled some of you!  Methinks I toucheth a nerve!

And yes, Seagal's Panda - I DO love a good ruck!   >:D

And McJagger, I've responded to loads of sensible stuff, in fact i think you'll find I've endeavoured to reply to all
qeustions asked of me
and have asked non-confrontational questions on others' threads as well

On the contrary, It's some of YOU LOT who haven't given various of my posts the time of day, due I think to their very non-controversial nature!

To wit my last post on Jizz's thread - where's the answer to that one??

And when I asked Kev if he was American or English

You are being the rude, ignorant ones here, but oh sorry - you lot make up your own rules as you go along
on here don't you, silly me   ::)

With an absence OF a decent set of rules there's no consistency and therefore NO calling anyone on not adhering to said non-existant rules in my book!

And thepeaguy - I never even said I WAS talking for the whole autistic demograph - whatever gave you that idea??

I was talking about JUST ME - do you deign to know me better than I know myself?? 

Nessa   :)

Perhaps you did not see, but here is where Kevv answered your questions in his Ask Away thread, Esme:

I live in Rapid City South Dakota U.S.A..

I am 43 years old.

I do not work I am on Social Security Disability.

No I like being who I am.

Here is where Jizz answered your question:

Hmmmmm ok, my lazy eye must be lazier than I realised lol....

Why do you ask about HG and I? ;)

HG has a bullshit detector that I love. If she says you're a cunt then you probably need to look at your own personality rather than calling her a bitch or whatever. It really IS that simple. YOU NO TALK SHIT SHE NO CALL YOU A CUNT.

Oi McJagger, I respect the creative types, so Dunc may bukkake me if he wants...does that make you jealous at all?

Hmmmmmmmm, I'll try answer why I left in the first place.

HG said she was leaving because of a situation that came up on here.  was also thinking along the same lineas anyway because particular things were said that had me laughing. Some people seemed to take this whole internet forum thing way too serious. The MAIN EVENT section is where I will most probably get my laughs. I have a love/hate relationship with the people that take these places too serious. One day they are my source of entertainment, the next day they are the source of my ultimate frustration. So I got dizzy and deleted my account.

I came back because HG (or Andriea as she allows me to call her) kept on about this and that and Dunc got in touch with me through another site..........I decided I wanted to vent some childish humour on another 'here I am' (Skid Row song the Skid Row album I do believe!) ;)

You still have not answered McJagger's question:

esme, are you mad at me also?

Or mine:

I have come to wreak vengeance on your sorry asses

I have a unique style of postign that is guaranteed to wind up all but the most mellow of posters

I have been honing it for years and this site appears to be my very Nemesis!

My ex is my ex because we were falling out too much (no unsurprisingly)

And it was MY decision to split, I wasnt dumped for being 'crap in bed' or other
equally grossly unimaginative reasons

Oh Peter you've already LOST any battle you want to have with me - surrender NOW cos I'm gonna
take your 'personality' (snigger) apart bit by sorry bit and you'll be weeping in a heap on the floor by the time I've finished with ya!

Es-me   >:D

I did not intend to imply that your ex dumped you.  I was curious about your reason for dumping him, because you say you will answer anything, unlike the rest of us.  "Falling out too much" is a cop-out answer which means nothing.

Peter lovely???!

Is this some new definition of lovely

Peter needs punching out!

He's your typical grotesquely mysogenistic Alpha Male
purely by dint of being vaguely attractive but not overly so

It's given him some kind of God complex

Peter is very nice-looking.  You come across like you are nursing a grudge against him, perhaps because he reminds you of someone you used to know.

Do you know any of us?  If not, how can you bear such a grudge?

Or this question of Peter's referring to RobertN:


I do know of him though

And what's your opinion of him?

I am sure there are other questions that you have forgotten to address as well.

You seem to have come here with a grudge against Peter and others without taking the time to see for yourself what actually happened.

For example, what could you possibly have against QuirkyCarla?  She was one of the people who stood up for RobertN, yet you attacked her.

Offline Praetor

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #466 on: September 02, 2006, 06:02:55 PM »
Says who?

The NAS, if I remember correctly.

12% diagnosed AND NAS the small print thats the 1 in 10 myth


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #467 on: September 02, 2006, 06:24:01 PM »
What small print, Praetor?  ???

from here:

Quote from: National Autistic Society
t is estimated that there are about 332,600 people of working age in the UK with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), and of this number an estimated 259,506 are thought to be of average or above average intelligence. NAS research by Barnard et al (2001) has shown only 6% of all people with an ASD have full-time paid employment, and only 12% of those with high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome had full-time jobs.

Barnard J. et al (2001). Ignored or ineligible?: the reality for adults with autism spectrum disorders. London: The National Autistic Society.

I haven't been able to find this online (not in a five minute google anyway) - have you read it? If the sample used in the study was made up solely of NAS members, how significantly do you think that affects the validity of this statistic?

Offline Praetor

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #468 on: September 02, 2006, 09:14:23 PM »
Well it is valid for the NAS membership population they used. The key word here is "ESTIMATED" they took the result assuming it was correct for a UK Wide population and have essentially applied the same ratio to a nation wide level. Its making too many assumptions of NAS members and the non-NAS members. Its very pedantic i know but you do have to take apart these researchers and not just simply go by the paper attached to their name.

At the end of the day the unemployment issue was given neccesary coverage and highlighted but it is not an accurate reflection of the nation wide population. Its also practically very difficult to get hold of information, if you wanted to get an accurate number of how many diagnosed aspergers there were in the UK right now im not sure if it  is something that would come up in a national census or on NHS databases, but even then its confidentiality, data protection act etc etc so alot of the time a researcher will just make a guess, easier and cheaper. The NAS doesnt have to pay money out to research its own membership


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #469 on: September 02, 2006, 09:23:51 PM »
That doesn't exactly make it a myth then, just a 'best guess' extrapolation. Would you agree that the basic point made by the researchers (and by extension the NAS) is a fair one, even bearing in mind that the variance from the data used in the study is likely to be much greater nationwide, so the percentage quoted may well be a bit out?

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #470 on: September 02, 2006, 10:04:14 PM »

On the contrary, It's some of YOU LOT who haven't given various of my posts the time of day, due I think to their very non-controversial nature!

To wit my last post on Jizz's thread - where's the answer to that one??

And when I asked Kev if he was American or English

You DO realize that other people have lives and may not be reading your questions right after you post them? We're not all on this site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, though some of us come close...and if you see someone's logged on, they could still be signed in to the site but away from their computer. Just because someone hasn't responded doesn't mean they aren't going to respond.

You are being the rude, ignorant ones here, but oh sorry - you lot make up your own rules as you go along
on here don't you, silly me   ::)

There you go being a hypocrite again. You're the one who came to this site only knowing RobertN and ascan's opinions of it, and before you were even here long enough  to form your own opinion, you were attacking random people (myself included...and I'm one of the nicest people on this site!)...which is pretty ignorant if you ask me. A more intelligent person would have lurked for a bit, gotten more information, and formed their own opinion before they decided to judge/attack others. Yes, there are no rules against attacking people, but it was still rude. You claim you're a nice person? Yeah right. Putting random strangers down isn't something a "nice" person does. You also admitted that you love internet wars (not in those exact words, but you agreed with Segalls when he said you love wars), which doesn't sound like a "nice" person either. You've also complained about people making snap judgements, when you make plenty of your own. You've made some pretty ignorant generalizations too.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 10:14:56 PM by QuirkyCarla »

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #471 on: September 03, 2006, 02:21:34 AM »
QC, she's a hypocrite as well as a troll, and it's now fairly obvious why she came here in the first place.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Tom/Mutate

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #472 on: September 03, 2006, 02:42:20 AM »

For example, what could you possibly have against QuirkyCarla?  She was one of the people who stood up for RobertN, yet you attacked her.

The name and the avatar, so I hear.

Offline Tom/Mutate

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #473 on: September 03, 2006, 03:08:18 AM »
I am Esme's sidekick ,  the "Robin"  to her "Batman".   And RobertN fills the" batgirl" role.   He can't fight for shit, but he sure looks good squeezed into the lycra costume and high heeled boots!


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #474 on: September 03, 2006, 03:46:59 AM »
careful, panda. he'll be assaulting you with gems like this next:

Quote from: Batgirl in The Drivel's shoutbox
You are threatening me just by the tone of your language, you mother-fucker.


Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #475 on: September 03, 2006, 05:13:08 AM »
oh God!   ::)

OK, OK, so I'm guilty of a lot of the above

I never said I was perfect!

My own brother once said 'if you can argue with Vanessa, you can argue with anyone, she moves the goalposts
so much' lol - there - see I can at least admit to my own weaknesses! 

I will now endeavour to answer the questions I missed before moving on to the 12% in employment debate:-

1. McJagger - no I am not mad at you (I'm sure i did answer this btw)

2. Callaway - I dumped my ex because he would get very aggressive and sometimes violent during rows
                  - he would prob say the same about me, so it just wasn't healthy
                 When your own bf calls the police round on you, it's time to call it a day!

3. Peter - I did answer the question re. what i think of Robert - I said he was OK, I don't really know him
I never came here with a grudge against anyone inparticular either, i just selected a few random threads to post facetious, provocative comments on, in an effort to get peoples' attention and rile them into biting back

I apologise if I upset anyone, but part of me thought/still thinks that you would like that sort of challenge as you all seem more than capable of defending yourselves from attack (to me)

I was on a mission to a) get back at a site that appeared to have a reputation for bullying and b) test out what the site was capable of in terms of nastiness

Nessa   :)

« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 05:19:13 AM by esme456 »

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #476 on: September 03, 2006, 05:30:55 AM »
you keep saying my site when refering to aspie villiage, are you on the council?
are you one of the aspie elite over there that has directed the site towards a hatred of all americans?

what i have seen so far is that you don't like:
people on disability
AS people who stand up for themselves

am i wrong?'

No I am not on the council of AV

I have no control over the council and have no particular feelings of hatred towards Americans, neither
do people on AV - they just took a decision to keep it British Isles i suppose to keep the site more
relevant and more manageable

I don't dislike Americans; I don't really know any so have nothing to base an opinion on
I spent time with a family in Oregan while at school on an exchange visit and it was OK, I felt
they didn't really 'take' to me though as I wasn't lively enough for them I think
They were nice people though

Re. the disability issue - I realise everyone is different but I feel there can be a tendancy for some people to
give up the struggle in terms of finding/maintaining employment.  That is their choice but I feel in the long
run it's better for people to keep trying ,as work is a mainstay of my life - without it i'm f*****

So I try and put across the benefits of continually striving to find employment.  I'm not looking down on those
who don't work though.  I was making a facile, cheap-shot remark to peaguy re. it figuring that he wasn't employed
- I know it was unfair but he had provoked me with his unpleasant posts towards me

AS people who stand up for themselves - I admire people who stand up for themselves, I certainly don't dislike them
but obviously, within the 'stand up for themselves' category there are going to be 'personality clashes' ie people
I don't see eye to eye with and vice versa

Please feel free to point out any other questions I haven't answered

Nessa   :)

« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 05:36:30 AM by esme456 »

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #477 on: September 03, 2006, 05:33:53 AM »
thank you for your replies.  i am happy to be mistaken.

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #478 on: September 03, 2006, 05:52:25 AM »
Re the 12% with AS/HFA in work, that's only an estimate and only known/diagnosed people

I would say that there are a significant number of people in work, who, because their presentation of AS/HFA
is mild or they have adapted to life well, have had no cause to seek a diagnosis

In this instance ie not having a need for a diagnosis, do they in fact have AS??, if it is seen to be an impairment and
if, to all intents and purposes, their lives are not being held back

I myself was only diagnosed almost by accident - if I hadn't lost my temper in a meeting at work and been referred to Occ Health, I would never have been diagnosed, so that's 1% less on the estimate

How many others are there like me??

I have a suspicion of statistics as they always seem quite nebulous - the same small percentage of Londoners are
being asked a lot of the questions!

When they produce typically inane stats that seem to fill the papers these days such as  ' 54% of West Midlanders prefer the missionary postion' I always think 'And who asked ME??'

Likewise with my employment - where has it been quantified?

I've read that the health service where I live don't keep a specific record of people with an ASD - it is not a very well
quantified condition - I would say this is partly deliberate, as if they knew the exact number, they'd be forced
to actually provide some decent support services for us!

Nessa   :)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 06:09:13 AM by esme456 »

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #479 on: September 03, 2006, 06:03:11 AM »
quantified condition - I would say this is partly deliberate, as if they new the exact number, they'd be forced
to actually provide some decent support services for us!

thus the reason for a need to be unified.  and advocate .