I go away to live my life and look what happens!?
Can I just quote Dunc here:-
"its hard to feel comfortable posting somewhere, when you are constantly biting your tongue to avoid upsetting someone, or being seen as nasty. that was one of the main reasons this site was created."
So surely I'm living up to the ethic of this board ie NOT biting my tongue to avoid upsetting anyone??
You lot give it out but don't like it back - I maintain my original stance!
No one said my opinion was God's given word either, it's only ever been just that, AN OPINION
But it sure has riled some of you! Methinks I toucheth a nerve!
And yes, Seagal's Panda - I DO love a good ruck!

And McJagger, I've responded to loads of sensible stuff, in fact i think you'll find I've endeavoured to reply to all
qeustions asked of me and have asked non-confrontational questions on others' threads as well
On the contrary, It's some of YOU LOT who haven't given various of my posts the time of day, due I think to their very non-controversial nature!
To wit my last post on Jizz's thread - where's the answer to that one??
And when I asked Kev if he was American or English
You are being the rude, ignorant ones here, but oh sorry - you lot make up your own rules as you go along
on here don't you, silly me

With an absence OF a decent set of rules there's no consistency and therefore NO calling anyone on not adhering to said non-existant rules in my book!
And thepeaguy - I never even said I WAS talking for the whole autistic demograph - whatever gave you that idea??
I was talking about JUST ME - do you deign to know me better than I know myself??