do like it here Hypnotica/Kev
It's very interesting
I feel a better 'fit' than a lot of discussion boards
I'm not a group person though so never fully relax in group discussion - I'm sort of seeing myself as
a hypocrite/setting myself up for one hell of a fall while joining in
Also the blatant arse-licking that routinely occurs in any group situation never ceases to amaze/sicken me!
It's usually the dumbest/most evil f***** who's being sycophanted as well, to make it even more unjustifiable!
It's so conditional as well - 'In order to be in this group you have to prostrate yourself on the ground to this twat, bully that one, have no intellligent opinion on ANYTHING' etc etc
My brain is AS-NT hybrid I think, due to living most of my life thinking I was 'normal' - part of me is desparate to join in and be accepted but the AS side sees this as too risky and 'selling out' so it keeps me in check
I don't know how I'm
meant to have a consistent personality/worldview with that going on all the time!
I do think I have a very good appreciation of the NT mind-set though, so when a person, AS or NT displays what I consider to be this type of behaviour, I am acutely aware of it
Also, in terms of your views Dunc, I would say you're conversely
not sufficiently aware of the NT influence on your life as it's so pervasive. I'll admit you've got the healthier attitude to things but I would say it's down to being oblivious to a lot of it ie you're already part-assimilated anywayÂ

Nessa Â