Author Topic: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer  (Read 31976 times)

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #285 on: September 01, 2006, 11:51:02 AM »
Finland interests me a lot - it's one of those places you never really get to find out much about

Is it Scandanavian or Russian?

We were taught very early on that we're part of Scandinavia. We learned to hate everything Russian, mostly because of the war and the fact that we had to sacrifice a lot in order to survive as a country after that war.

Now, however, Russia is one of the places I'd really like to visit. I'd love to learn their language, and I feel a kind of kinship. It's weird. Don't tell my mum, though.
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Offline odeon

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #286 on: September 01, 2006, 11:51:49 AM »
Dunc, this has me worried. Is there a copyright fee of some kind since Ascan owns that trademark...  :-\

better check the exact wording then, and see if his tradmark is valid in the US.  :angel:

It's where the server is located that is important, right?  :-\
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Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #287 on: September 01, 2006, 11:58:01 AM »
I was mainly referring to MCJagger re. his wanting AS unity etc - it just seemed contradictory to a lot of the
'taking people down' that seems to occur

There is bullying occurring, no matter how 'mild' or irrelevant people might like to think it and yet it seems to
have upset him to have it pointed out - this seems strange to me

I don't think this site serves the same function as ours, it seems more of a just a social place to chew the fat
We tend to cover more support issues on our site

If I asked someone for help on this site I'd fear they were going to take the piss/exploit my weaknes more than actually help

I think perhaps people on here have developed a hard/callous exterior as a defence mechanism against the hurt they've experienced in life


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #288 on: September 01, 2006, 11:59:48 AM »
I was mainly referring to MCJagger re. his wanting AS unity etc - it just seemed contradictory to a lot of the
'taking people down' that seems to occur

There is bullying occurring, no matter how 'mild' or irrelevant people might like to think it and yet it seems to
have upset him to have it pointed out - this seems strange to me

I don't think this site serves the same function as ours, it seems more of a just a social place to chew the fat
We tend to cover more support issues on our site

If I asked someone for help on this site I'd fear they were going to take the piss/exploit my weaknes more than actually help

I think perhaps people on here have developed a hard/callous exterior as a defence mechanism against the hurt they've experienced in life

George:I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. I excel at not giving a shit. Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation beget disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C Equals A, or whatever. I also don't have a lot of interest in being a good person or a bad person. From what I can tell, either way, you're screwed. Bad people are punished by society's laws, and good people are punished by Murphy's Law

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #289 on: September 01, 2006, 12:01:41 PM »
first, let me congratulate you on your 20 page thread.  we have met our goals with a team effort, you being the leader.

second, i would think that you might find it interesting to note that this whole online bullying thing started over a guy named flo.  RobertN showed up in his defense.
you, being pro aspie and anti NT should also know that Flo has stated several times that he does not have AS.  he might of at one time been HFA but he is convinced that he is cured.
also, that he has also stated several times that he looks down on us for our AS traits. and has talked about his women as bitches who he would like to rape.
there is more, much more.

but, we, as an AS community stood up for ourselves as a group (a hard thing to do for AS people it seems), and we accomplished that, together.  he wasn't bullied, he was called out on his misinformation and slanderous words.  WE have pride.  and we are proud that we didn't take that crap without fighting back.

The original goal of intensity was to teach the bullied to learn to have a voice.  to learn to stand and be counted.  i think we have achieved that end.

why i am sad over this affair, is because as a result we have aspies turning on each other.  its not right, we should be congratulated for fighting back against the NT bully, who bragged about his trolling ability.  WE WON!
and it seems, we have gain not one mm of ground.


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #290 on: September 01, 2006, 12:08:03 PM »
If I asked someone for help on this site I'd fear they were going to take the piss/exploit my weaknes more than actually help

It works in much the same way as IRL. Would you ask somebody you hardly knew? Support sites on the 'net are often just about the worst places for getting real help. Sure, you can get some stereotyped "poor you's", but would you get anything even remotely constructive?

This isn't a support site--there are many of those, and some good ones--this is a way for Aspies to learn how to fight back. You can still meet like-minded individuals and ask THEM for help. I can assure you, you would get it.
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Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #291 on: September 01, 2006, 12:10:50 PM »
Oh I don't know... we're communicating OK now, hostilities seem to have died down

I can see that it's not all cut and dried - that there's both sides to the story

I'm gaining a wider view of the AS community   :)


Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #292 on: September 01, 2006, 12:19:48 PM »
Wasn't Finland under communist rule for a long time?

When did this end?


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #293 on: September 01, 2006, 12:22:04 PM »
I'm glad you've seen that there is two sides to this story  :)  Do you think you'll stick around for while now?

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #294 on: September 01, 2006, 12:25:51 PM »
I'm finding it fun atm   :)

What I like about this site is that people respond quickly - I don't know how much this is to do with
me being new though and when it wears off illl be banished to the site equivalent of Outer Siberia(?)

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #295 on: September 01, 2006, 12:29:48 PM »
So where are You from?

Do You work?

If You do You like it?

Do You like or hate Intensitysquared?
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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #296 on: September 01, 2006, 12:30:12 PM »
I'm finding it fun atm   :)

What I like about this site is that people respond quickly - I don't know how much this is to do with
me being new though and when it wears off illl be banished to the site equivalent of Outer Siberia(?)

Nah when its busy people usually respond quickly to posts- guess there's a lot of postwhores among us  :D


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #297 on: September 01, 2006, 12:30:37 PM »
its mostly cos we're mostly here for the banter, so the jokey threads tend to fly fast when theres a few people on.  ;D

Offline odeon

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #298 on: September 01, 2006, 12:34:31 PM »
Wasn't Finland under communist rule for a long time?

I don't recall that we had that problem. We had a problem with having to pay war debts to the Soviets, and we had trouble with the Soviets attemting to set up a shadow government for a while, but no, we were never a communist country the way China or Cuba is, for example.

When did this end?

It didn't start.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #299 on: September 01, 2006, 12:36:42 PM » knowledge of world history appears to be crap lol