i prefer to think of myself as ultra out there.
btw- i read you had a complaint about american bias on other boards. well i am pleased to announce that (except for specific brittish AS boards) that we have the highest percentage of UK posters than any other board. if anything, i would say that this board is UK bias.
matter of fact i spell ass, Arse and favorite, favourite and shit, shite and color colour, thanks to the rediculously large UK influence on this board.
also, two admins are from the UK, 2 from america. our developer/moderator is from the UK, and we have a mediator who is from america. we hold elections every three months. the only permanant title holders are Queen Omega (UK) administrator, and Duncvis (UK) developer/techie/ fat twat bully

. also, i forgot, duncvis is a card carrying member of the aspie elite (tm).