
Author Topic: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer  (Read 31786 times)

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Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #105 on: August 31, 2006, 09:07:20 AM »

But I thought that's all you did on here - be nasty to each other and oust anyone not up to the game?

I was just getting the first strike in lol

Are you a student btw?

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #106 on: August 31, 2006, 09:09:45 AM »
I'm not currently a student, no.

Here, we mostly just socialise and talk crap about things.  Sometimes people get pissed off at each other over something and have it out, but it's not just a orgy of brawling; merely a place where brawling is accepted and doesn't result in intervention from on-high.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #107 on: August 31, 2006, 09:11:00 AM »

But I thought that's all you did on here - be nasty to each other and oust anyone not up to the game?

I was just getting the first strike in lol

I think you may have been a little misled by a certain disgrunted ex-poster here esme. stick around a few days and you might see a different side to folk here than you've been led to expect. ;)

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #108 on: August 31, 2006, 09:12:37 AM »
I see

You do have some sort of cliquey 'incrowd' thing going on though don't you?

Offline Peter

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #109 on: August 31, 2006, 09:14:46 AM »
Not really; just people who attract more attention than other, and various groupings of people who get along with each other, more or less.  You'd have a hard time classifying anyone as being in or out of any specific clique, since we all just do our own things as it suits us.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #110 on: August 31, 2006, 09:15:59 AM »
I can't stick around, you all make me very nervous

I feel like some little kid who's strayed into the big kid's playground

I'd be the first to admit that i'm out of my depth on here - not at ease at all

I prefer kind people

I've only developed a nasty tongue through internalising the s*** I've received from the outside world

I am soft on the outside but have a steel core - most people are the opposite I think


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #111 on: August 31, 2006, 09:33:57 AM »
That's a shame. Btw, if you'd come without ascan's jaundiced view of Intensity ringing in your ears and posted with an open mind, you'd have got a far different reception - 'playground' is a bloody good word for this place, as thats all most of us do. And your point about a lot of people having a hard shell but soft inside is true of a lot of folk - as some have learned about themselves here. Part of this place's mission when we started out was to give people a means of learning to toughen up by sharpening their claws on each other - and 'kindness' comes form the unlikeliest sources at times. If its not your scene thats fair enough, but I've found its surprising what comes out of folk once they open up here (mind you, some of it should probably be put back  :laugh:)

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #112 on: August 31, 2006, 09:39:05 AM »
I've never received a view of this board, let alone a jaundiced one, from ascan

I heard there was bullying type behaviour on here, that's all

Esme   :police:


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #113 on: August 31, 2006, 09:43:41 AM »
nah, no bullying here. just lots of taking the piss and petty bickering, usually inflamed by people who go looking for it, or drama queens looking for a battle.  :angel:

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #114 on: August 31, 2006, 09:57:07 AM »
Well surely it's how it's received not how it's sent?

If a person is hardened to abuse they'd think nothing of it, but a more sensitive person
would be offended

Also, in order to be a clique you need an 'outcrowd' but if these people all leave you will then
need to start ostracising actual clique members - it's just very unhealthy

Esme   :)


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #115 on: August 31, 2006, 10:03:32 AM »
there is no deliberate formation of cliques here - people do seem to have revolving attachments to other posters, but there is no in-group/out-group split. as for sensitive, thats whast the 'grace' period is for, if you like, and the rookie refuge - if someone feels their skin is too thin to be able to enjoy the banter, that way they get to see what we're about without getting their feathers singed. intensity won't suit everyone, but then it was never meant to.  :-\

Offline esme456

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #116 on: August 31, 2006, 10:08:52 AM »
I'm no good at the insulting banter that passes for 'good humour'  - I can only
do insulting when I'm in an arguement or annoyed

Most banter horrifies me as it appears so rude and hurtful

Is this site English or American - it's a strange hybrid

Esme   :)


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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #117 on: August 31, 2006, 10:16:23 AM »
bit of both. The sites hosted in the US, the admins and members are a mix of Americans, Brits, a few Aussies and other Scandiwegian weirdos like odeon who speak loads of languages, and I'm from The Peoples Republic of Yorksher.  ;D

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #118 on: August 31, 2006, 10:18:03 AM »

Here, at intensity², we mostly just socialise and talk crap about things.  Sometimes people get pissed off at each other over something and have it out, but it's not just a orgy of brawling; merely a place where brawling is accepted and doesn't result in intervention from on-high.

this is the most accurate assessment i have read to date.  esme, you are mistaken about the purpose of this place.  it seems that AS people are social retards who have a difficult time buying into standard conventions of socialization.  social ineptness seems to me, IMHO, the common bond that we all share,( given that it seems to be a spectrum, where no defined criteria can label any one person with AS).
given that, if you will, this place is a place for all the social outcasts WITH AS, who couldn't quite make it on the other boards for their strict social rules.
Actually, i view this board, more than the rest of them out there, as a more AS friendly board than any, to date.

Offline McGiver

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Re: Ask ME! (Esme) anything and I (unlike others on here) WILL answer
« Reply #119 on: August 31, 2006, 10:18:51 AM »
I see

You do have some sort of cliquey 'incrowd' thing going on though don't you?
show me a board that doesn't.