Personally I think we cannot prove or disprove whether god exists or not. To be so sure if god exists/doesn't exist is quite arrogant. Besides, a far amount of Atheists are just as bad as hardcore Christians.
Religion is only a concept, it does not need a god at all (ie. buddism) and IMO does not need any spiritual realm. Once you believe in a set standard of rules that guides your life, to me it's religion. Because of this, I think Atheism, Agnosticism, Veganism, Music listening etc. are religions.
If there was a god, chances would be that it would be nothing like we imagined and that worshipping it will have no affect. This "god" could be anything basically. The universe is far weirder than we can imagine after all, no amount of science can allow us to fully understand it.
You are confusing a way of life with a set of beliefs. Vegans don't worship vegetables, they just don't eat meat or animal produce :lol:
I already pointed out that you don't *have* to worship in a religion, since my view of a religion does not need anything spiritual/idols etc. You use beliefs to dictate your way of life, so they're the same to me. Remember I'm not using the word in a literal sense, of course Vegans don't go to churches to worship bloody lettuce... although PETA is the church to some.

I included veganism because it dictates that you cannot eat meat or any products from animals. These are the "beliefs" and the people (Vegans) follow those beliefs. Plus like any religion, you get fanatics. They preach to others and think that they do is "right" and that the people who disagree are morons.