Possibly the most retarded spastic I've come across so far. Compulsive lying piece of insecure shit that cries if you point out the fact that he's has pimples. Thinks far too highly of himself and loves to manipulate others by various sob stories and other kinds of attention seeking.
Yesterday I came across this post he made on WP, from this link:
http://www.wrongplanet.net/postx108453-30-0.htmlIn 2nd-3rd grade there was this guy with ADHD who used to f*** up my clothes, throwing them in dirt and such, I will never forgive him for that, so I forced him down on his knees while feeding him candy that contains dangerous E-chemicals which has a great effect on his brain, he was screaming and splashing hopelessly while I and some friends held him down, it lasted a few hours until his brain malfunctioned and he became tired, so we let him there, and he hasn't bullied me lately. There was this man that tried to drown me when I was around 5 I think, though some people managed to get him before I said goodbye to this world. Also, I'm tired of being repeatedly raped by some guys since I was 14, it's diguisting, like f****** a boy/man in the *ss eew, i don't understand why they continue, they could just as well buy a dildo to shove inside their *sses if it makes them happier, It's likely they won't quit until 3 or 4 years more, so i guess I have to be patient, if not, punish them.
Not only the way he worded it was slightly hilarious in a retarded way, I believe he was lying and for laughs I called him out for it by simply saying "liar". This is the response I got, first the posts and then the PMs.
I'm amused by your dislike towards me, tell me, why do you hate me?
You haven't answered me yet, why do you hate me?
Another thing, why did you complain about a picture of me containing pimples?
If I should judge you of your looks, I would say you look somewhere in the borderline of ugly-okay, other than that you should burn some calories to appear sexier.
Before you get an idea in your head to make a reply here Paddie, go to the Pictures of Hot Aspies thread, and we shall have a contest.
Starts to twist the story:
As i said in the PM, I'm NOT lying, you clearly don't know what it feels like being f***** in the *ss, you feel defeated, ripped up inside, I can't describe the humiliation I felt at that moment, you clearly deserve some mindrape yurself, you behave like a complete idiot.
Now for some choice PMs:
No, I'm not "Next", this is all idiotic GOSSIP BITCHING, you will do it, you WILL post a picture of yourself in the thread, or else you will be completely ignored here, no matter what, DO AS I SAY. By the way, It's not a retarded idea, I think it's a good solution to a thing that will shut you up around here on Wrongplanet and make you behave better, but if you write "This is a retarded idea" again, you will regret it for the rest of your life. I am not lying about me being raped, it has happened, many times, I don't know why though, but on to the real thing, do you accept? YES or NO, you will answer.
I'm not a liar.
You just make up this because you are jealous that you are a poor, fat f**k that can't afford a HD flatscreen TV on your own.
Eh? I have camera gear that's worth more than that.

My personal favourite

When the Aspergian Nation gets built in the late future, and I get a place in the council, (the chance may be big if I change attitude), I will order you tortured for the rest of your life, the chance of the nation being built is big, the rate of children being born with autism and even Asperger is growing, it may end up that Aspies create a nation which is good news, so you should keep this in mind; “The day when I get tortured will come”.
bdskfsdotard, have you heard "thou protest too much"? Any normal person would be upset and report mods, but the way you acted was very... strange.
Yes, I'm bored. Haven't trolled in ages so it's good to get back to the old days.