To get back on topic, do you think you'll ever have more kids CG? Or are the ones you have now enough? 
well, when I count all on my online children as well.....i've got my hands full.

The ex and I tried for over a year to have a third and then I said enough was enough. I didn't really want a third, had to be talked into it and I'm pretty sure I consciously willed myself not to be successful.
I adore kids, I do get cravings to have another with the right person, but this factory is closed for business. I've been through a lot with my kids and as they get older, they get more independent and I have a long list of things I want to do on my own and I'm happy about having more freedom.
Also, remember tonight is alcohol night 

I never say abusive stuff in person. Only in emails and texts. I expect thats even worse, as i am so cowardly. Maybe one day i'll improve that, like i improved my confidence with meeting people.
It doesn't matter how you say it, it's that you shouldn't be saying it at all. Abuse is abuse whether in person or in text. What you should improve on is not abusing women period.