Swanson: NOOOOOOO!!!! GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!Gopher Gary: What's up with him?Genesis: The is sending him back to High School.Gopher Gary: Oh dear
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I had no issue tearing a strategic strip off of them and even got a principal fired for pinning my son down to the ground, on his stomach, and pinning his hands behind his back like he was being arrested. That's illegal to begin with because it's easy for a child to stop breathing. The reason for doing it? He was handflapping in the library. WTF? Or pulling him out from under a desk by his ankles where he was hiding because he was scared. he was in the second grade! Ridiculous. Went straight to the board and she was fired a month later.
Is your hair naturally blonde?
for jamming it up ther asses.
Do you consider yourself straight, bi, pan or fluid?
yeah dumbass ^
Quote from: Smike on November 02, 2009, 12:18:30 AMyeah dumbass ^ :lol:Fuck you for asking me and PMS Elle the same question though. I think ur hot but you never believe me no matter how many times I tell you.