Lit, you're a fucking idiot. Trying to defend the indefensible. Soy deserved what he got because his attitude stunk, and he went on the attack to virtually anyone who challenged his bullshit notions. I don't have kids either, but see any attack on peopel who can't stick up for themselves as abhorrant and disgusting. And big fucking deal if he'd been flicked from all those Swedish boards.... Doesn't that tell YOU that he was out of step with EVERTOBE he spoke to? He is an anathema because while he might have a message to put accross to people, the fundamental thing that stops this message getting through is the pig-ignorance and mind-blindness (thanks earthboundmisfit for that) that is blocking his brain from seeing reality. You see him as a friend, worthy of respect; to us, it's just a waste of time because he never allowed us to see inside all the shit that surrounded him.
And I noticed how you decided to use the shoutbox on zOMG to have a go at this site and call us all wankers. Fucking who then is the hypocrite?