Callaway is a big self-righteous whiner. He never meant anything he said, I know that for sure.
Soy was banned for threatening the site.
I don't see where I have whined about this. I understand that Soy is your friend and that you brought him here so you feel you need to defend him, but still I wonder how you would feel if he had started a thread saying that your mother should have hooks in her vagina attached to nylon ropes and then be dropped off a high bridge?
I would feel nothing. I know my mum and love her to bits and his words are just letters on a computer screen. If he said it about my stepmother, though, I would tell him that I would pay to see it.

He wanted to get to you, Callaway, and he couldn't find anything on here to get to you about except for your daughter. Because that is what you mostly post about. I know more about your daughter than I do about you.