Well, it's not in the 'ask away' section? I didn't mean to 'accuse' anybody, but presumably, it is here rather than there for a reason & I'd 'lost' this thread.
You're correct. Triste started this thread here to ask me a question. Some people have suggested that I move it to the Ask Away section, but Triste started it here and I like it here and don't want to move it.
It is true that I don't like to answer questions that I consider very personal for private reasons of my own, so that's another good reason for it to be here instead of there, IMO. I wouldn't want anyone to be misled into believing that I would be willing to answer questions that I wouldn't.
Bodaccea wasn't talking about you accusing me of not having an Ask Away thread; she was talking about someone else.
Is this your ask away thread that you don't have? 
Sorry just saw somewhere that you were accused of not having one.
It's not exactly an Ask Away thread, so I guess that's why Pyraxis said that. Either that, or she just wanted to score some cheap points against me.