Additional question- any tips on where to get a fully labeled diagram of a '99 toyota corolla engine? I'm not trying to repair it; I just want to be able to research and/or tell my mechanic what part is being noisy, and I can tell the general area in the engine that it's coming from based on how it sounded when it happened. My stupid owner's manual only labels about half the shit in there and does not label one of the parts I think might be making noise.
Buy the appropriate Chiltons manual at Pep Bys, Autozone etc.
I think that the Haynes manuals have more details than Chilton's, at least the ones I have used. I remember that I needed a diagram for the vacuum hoses after I had the engine rebuilt and my Chilton's didn't have it.
I asked for the engine size because I was trying to see if I could find the information online.
I did find a shop manual that would undoubtedly have the diagram, but it was over $100. Elle, you could point to the part you suspect of making noise with a long screwdriver or a yardstick, thereby showing it to the mechanic without knowing the name of it, couldn't you?
I take it that it only makes the noise under certain conditions and idling with the gear shift in Park or Neutral is not one of the conditions, am I correct?