Yes, I wonder why she refuses to answer it... 
I thought that you were just trolling, but I should have realized how much I hurt you by bringing up a subject that is still very painful for you and I apologize for that. That was thoughtless, but I didn't set out to hurt you. I'm having trouble thinking of a better analogy, which would be something you take seriously that wouldn't be so painful for you, but I should have thought of one.
To answer the question that was actually asked, I would feel irritated if someone edited a serious post I made, whether it was one that I spent a lot of time on about Intensity or whether it was about some problem my daughter was having. I wouldn't mind so much if I posted somewhere where I had the expectation that my post would be edited before I posted it there, like the My Way or the Highway, but if I had spent a lot of time on it because I was answering someone's serious question that just happened to be there, I might still feel a little bit annoyed.
It takes me awhile to write a longer post because I type slowly, so I think that Dunc must have spent some time writing the post that set out his reasons for leaving Intensity and I thought that it was trolling to change it to a silly joke at his expense. I have used the analogy that although Intensity might have been McJagger's, Eamonn's and Omega's baby to start with, Dunc sort of adopted us when he offered us space on his server when we didn't have a home to go to and it made a lot of people sad when he moved on.