Callaway still hungry?
You can grind up tangerine peel can be ground up and added to food, or can make a tea with it like I been doing with onion skins. Onion skins are tough, so I read it takes 20 or 30 minutes to extract a good portion of inflammation lowering quercitin. Onion quercitin stays in the body longer than other sources. I would think 20 or 30 minutes is good for tangerine peel to.
Cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon=1 gram, and I recommend 1-5grams
Ginger is good for heart, its in my avitar.
Cholorphyll can directly assist the heart's beating, that is probably why alfalfa and parsley were recommended. Cholorphyll contains magnesium, so does beans and nuts. Chocolate craving can be a sign of magnesium deficency, as many americas are deficent. That is because they don't eat those foods, or enough vegetables. They eat refined grains, also less magnesium.
For everyone to hear:
8 all isomers of vita e must be taken, as each one does something different. One may help prevent free radicals, and another may stop the ones that already happened. The tocotrinerols are rare in nature, and more potent than the tocopherols in antioxidant protection. gamma, beta, alpa, as well as delta tocopherol must be used. Gamma specifically is good for the prostate.
EFA for the heart. You don't eat any free range fish or meat, and your likely to be deficent in omega 3 fats, unless you eat algae. Eating 20 grams or more of spirulina exceeds the EPA's safe upper limit on mercury. Conversion from plant form rarely takes place, how rare? 90% of the precursors are typically burned off before being converted to the form humans need. You need benefical bacteria to help with that process, further compounding the problem. Benefical, probiotics, that Callaway's daughter already takes, stimulate bile production from the liver, reducing cholesterol and aiding the emulsification of fats for the lipase enzyme to attack. Bacteria where once part of our diet, but pesticides kill them off, perhaps you shoud take one daily. It was in small amount of dirt we picked up on our vegetables, that we would get the same organsims that plants use to help them get nutrition from the soil.
Quality vitamin e protection requires supplement, as its not particularly high in food. You can guzzle lots of oil and get fat if you want
Make sure to choose hydrongenated ones, rich in trans fat, mess up your lipid profile, even lower protective high density lipoproteins.