This is an excellent question, Tesla. I wish I knew the answer.
But, you turn it into a beautiful (though somewhat false) attack.
Then again, since it ONLY could have served to reignite the issues,
which were dying down naturally, one must assume that Tesla was
bored, and rather enjoys these exchanges - even if he's unwilling
to actually participate.
As long as Calandale is here, he will continue to attack Odeon and me and probably Dunc as well (or whoever the semi-permanent administrator and webmonkeys are)
I will always be vigilant against those who are in power, yes.
Any display of apparent abuses will be noted. And, any attacks
(such as this) on my habit will be defended against.
...because Calandale thinks that being an administrator or webmonkey is about power, when it isn't. It's about serving the members, which is quite the opposite of what he thinks, actually.
No. I know precisely what it is about. But, power is an
unfortunate side-effect, when the members are unable
to do things for themselves. One which can be (and is)
He has compared both Odeon and me to Hitler,
does not constitute a comparison.
he has repeatedly attacked our character,
As expressed in your posts and actions here.
and he has attacked Dunc as well.
When need be. He tends to be less prone to abuses,
EVEN though he is willing to prank. Kinda is leading me
to a hypothesis about those who are so unhappy with
being pranked.
For example, look at his posts where he talks about raping that woman he calls his PE and tearing her face open. He shifted the blame for his criminal actions from himself onto her.
No. The blame is mine. (but, once again, onto the personal)
I merely filled in details which were pertinent. As to tearing her
face open, honestly, I have no idea what was behind that - it
was not done in anger.
This puts us in the unfortunate position of either choosing not to respond to his numerous personal attacks, or responding to them. Responding to his personal attacks feeds his narcissism, but not responding means that his lies stand unchallenged, and there are some people who will believe them. Actually, since he spams each of his personal attacks in several places, his lies would probably stand unchallenged in most of them anyway, or else we would have to be as obsessed as he seems to be to respond everywhere he posts the same attacks. This is his fighting style to make unsubstantiated allegations in numerous places, almost never backing up any of them, burying his opponents in a barrage of words, and deliberately misreading their words to the point that they give up trying to communicate with him.
I don't believe I've told a lie. Your presenting
me as having done so, as a FACT, is clearly such
a case though.
I don't see a solution. I think that it would be a very bad idea to allow him to run Intensity the way he wants it to be run to shut him up, because his vision of Intensity seems to be quite different from everyone else's.
Who EVER said I'd want to run the place?
Do you see a solution?
Learn to be fair.